Page 10 of Billionaire's Match
A couple of hours later I am out at my neighborhood Mexican cantina drinking a margarita with my friend, Lexi. She has a new boyfriend and is spilling the tea about how they met and how things are going so far.
“He’s just so amazing and I feel incredibly lucky that I found him. He’s nothing like any of my past boyfriends,” she says enthusiastically, eyes sparkling.
“And you met during a meditation retreat? That’s crazy. I didn’t even realize men went to those. That seems a lot more self-aware than 99% of the men I know.”
“I know, right? I totally was not expecting this to happen,” she says and takes a long sip of her marg. “I saw him the first day and was drawn to him right away. He’s super cute and just had this certain energy. We got to talk a bit that night before the silent part of the meditation started.”
“So, you were silent for most of the retreat? Weren’t you dying to talk to him more?” I ask incredulously.
“Totally. We kept stealing glances at each other when we were supposed to be meditating. It was really hard to focus,” she says laughing. “As soon as the silent part was finished we found each other and just started talking and, basically, couldn’t stop. We realized we both live in the city, not that far from each other, and set up a time for dinner as soon as we got back. We’ve been kind of inseparable ever since.”
I nod along at her as she babbles on and wish I could find that with someone.
“The retreat itself was mind-blowing. It’s totally made me rethink how I go through my day and show up in the world. I get so in my head sometimes and the stress completely takes over. I really hate that feeling but now I’m meditating most days and I feel like I’m dealing with life so much better.”
“Geez, I need something like that, too. I love my new job but it totally gets so stressful sometimes. We have certain clients who are incredibly picky and find something wrong with pretty much every candidate we present to them. I’ve got this big-shot real estate guy right now that is impossible to deal with. He’s totally hot and loaded and it should be super easy to find him matches. But damn, is he picky.”
“Ooh, he sounds pretty yummy except for the pain in the ass part. Are you allowed to date clients?” she asks, picking at the chips and salsa the waiter just delivered.
“Not current clients. Lauren did say she doesn’t have a problem with it if they’re no longer with us for whatever reason.” I glance around at the busy restaurant, noticing a couple nearby that seems to be in their own little love bubble. “I must say this guy – his name is Spencer– is intriguing. He’s smart, confident and easy on the eyes. I’m certain I’m not his type though. Because his type doesn’t actually exist in reality. She’s fictitious and yet he still expects me to find her on the streets and drag her into the office so I can grill her to the tenth degree.”
We both start laughing at the thought. “Why are some men so ridiculous? They want perfection when they are far from perfect themselves. And, then the first chance they get to cheat, off they go. I’m so done with all of that,” I say.
“They’re not all like that, Sash. You’re going to find a good one. I promise. Just because Travis was a cheating ass doesn’t mean that’s going to happen again.”
I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket and grab it to see who it is. Speak of the devil – it’s Travis. I haven’t heard from him in months. I can’t believe how weird it is that he is texting at the very moment we are talking about him. It’s fucking eerie.
Lexi sees the weird look on my face. “What’s up?” she asks, concern in her voice.
“Travis just texted me.”
“No way! What does the dickhead want?”
“He asked what I’m up to right now. Wants to know if I want to come by for a drink.”
“You’re fucking kidding me! Is he high or something? No chance of that happening,” she says, shaking her head.
I can’t believe the balls he has. This is totally a booty call, no two ways about it. I contemplate how to answer or whether I should even answer at all.
“What should I say?” I ask, my mind spinning.
“You know me. I would totally tell him to fuck off.”
I decide it would be more fun to just not reply. Just let him stew on it. Knowing what I know now I wonder if he’ll just move on to the next female contact in his phone and try his chances with that woman. How could I have ever thought that this was the guy for me? I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Lexi and I sit and finish our drinks and chips and talk about what a douche Travis is.
“I’m pretty sure he’s still with the woman he cheated on me with. I’m totally not surprised he would just turn around and cheat on her now. That’s how these guys are.”
“He’ll get what’s coming to him. Eventually. Karma’s a bitch, ya know?” she says, grabbing my hand.
“I just hope he hasn’t ruined me for new relationships,” I say, surprised to find tears threatening my eyes.
“You’re going to be okay, girl. Just have faith.”
The mood has taken a downward turn and we decide to head back to our own respective places. It’s been a long week.
We give each other big hugs and talk about getting together again soon. Lexi is dying for me to meet her boyfriend, Henry, and comments that maybe we could have a double date if I find any suitable men to date. I clear my throat and tell her I seriously doubt it. She gives me a cheery smile that somehow also looks a little sad and tells me again not to give up.