Page 12 of Billionaire's Match
She does lookreallygood tonight. Her hair is a little different than the last time I saw her – maybe new highlights? – and she’s wearing a black top that shows some serious curves.
She looks back up from her phone just in time to see me checking her out and gives me a curious look.
Shit. Busted.
“So what else are the two of you up to tonight?” she asks.
“Who knows?” answers Josh. “Maybe another bar after this one. What about you? You and your friends heading anywhere else?”
Sasha sways just a bit while she glances over where her friends were standing. They’re no longer there and she looks around the bar trying to locate them. “Hmm, looks like they may have already taken off,” she says without a hint of concern in her voice. “I’m sure they’ll text me. We were talking about going next door to try to find a booth to sit down. You guys want to join us?” She reaches out and touches my arm.
Just at that moment a guy who is walking by and is obviously drunk runs smack into Sasha and spills red wine all down the front of her blouse. He slurs out a half-hearted apology and keeps on walking.
“Shit! The perfect end to my week. Dammit.” She glances down at the front of her shirt to assess the damage.
“I’ll grab you some napkins,” I say, swiping a handful from the bar.
I start to help her clean up but suddenly feel stupid for thinking it’s okay to have my hands all over her chest. I feel myself redden at the thought of her bare breasts.Damn, Spence, get a hold of yourself.
Sasha gives me a grateful smile and continues to dab at the stain which is covering half her shirt.
“Well, this seems like a sign to call it a night,” she says to both of us, obviously irritated.
Josh shakes his head and laughs. “Yeah, for me, too. This place is a zoo. Sitting on the couch with my wife watching a movie seems like a much better idea right now.”
Josh quickly says his goodbyes to both of us and heads toward the door. He turns around and gives me a thumbs-up when Sasha isn’t looking.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for another drink? I’d love to buy you one… or drag the jerk who ran into you over here and have him buy you one,” I say, only half joking.
“Oh, thanks, but I think I’m done for the night. I’ve already had one more than I really should have.”
“How will you get home? Uber? Or can I have my driver drop you off?” I inquire, suddenly not wanting the night to end.
“I’m only a ten-minute walk from here,” she explains. “And I think a walk will do me good. I’m really feeling my wine tonight.” She sways slightly.
I don’t like the thought of Sasha walking alone. This is a safe neighborhood, but you never know what might happen.
“Will you let me walk with you? I just want to make sure you get home safely.”
“Oh, sure,” she stammers. “That’s really nice of you.”
We head toward the door, weaving through the throngs of people. Once we’re out in the night air, I feel more relaxed. We begin talking about work. I explain how tough my day wasand she tells me about a client who just got dumped after what everyone thought was a super successful match.
“No one could believe it,” she says. “The guy said he just can’t do cellulite and told her he was sorry but there was nothing else to say. It’s six months down the drain for this woman. And, she’s 40 and really wants a baby. She doesn’t have six months to give. Not to mention, she is smoking hot. But, I suppose she has a bit of cellulite and this entitled prick is looking for perfection.”
She stops her rant suddenly, realizing that she could be talking about me. She gives me a self-conscious look and says, “I’m sorry. I understand people have preferences. But, this guy is definitely worse than you are.”
“Oh, really? Worse than me, huh? He must be awful,” I say laughing, reaching out and squeezing her arm.
“You know what I mean! Of course, you’re not awful, but you have to admit youarevery particular.”
“I just know what I want. No point in pretending that I don’t.”
Just then two teenagers on a scooter come whizzing by us, almost knocking Sasha down. Throwing my arm around her shoulders, I pull her against me.
“What the hell is up with people running into me tonight?” she whines, holding onto my arm to steady herself. “Do I have a target on my back or something?
I shake my head, laughing and we both look around wondering what’s going to happen next.