Page 21 of Billionaire's Match
We begin rocking together, trying desperately not to make any noise. He reaches down with his mouth while we are fucking and begins teasing my nipple with his tongue again. I feel my orgasm rising and I can barely hold back. He keeps working my nipple until I explode, clenching his cock with my pulsating pussy. It takes everything in me to remain quiet as I am usually very vocal when I come. The orgasm is fucking mind-blowing and I lose control of my entire body, shaking and trembling.
Just as I stop gyrating under him, Spencer’s breath becomes ragged and his movements become jerky as he pumps into me.I feel his body stutter and his muscles tense up right before he comes.
We lay there in a heap for several minutes trying to catch our breath.
This is always the awkward part of first-time sex with a partner. The talking after the sex. But, in this case, there is no talking. We just lay together with our own thoughts, basking in the glow.
I think about what Lauren is going to say when I tell her about this.ShouldI tell her about this? She’s my best friend, but also my boss. And I just slept with a client. She might be pissed but as far as I’m concerned it was totally worth it.
Sex with Spencer is nothing like I’ve experienced before. When Travis and I were together, the sex was okay and sometimes I was able to finish but it didn’t happen without a LOT of effort. My orgasm with Spencer erupted from the depths of me after so much incredible foreplay that I felt like I might just combust with the intense pleasure. I’ve never in my life felt this kind of pleasure.
I find myself drifting off as I wonder how Spencer feels about me. About what just happened. I feel a connection here and I’m honestly shocked since I’ve had nothing but intrusive thoughts lately about how men can’t be trusted. Maybe Spencer is different?
Chapter 10
Oh shit. Sasha and I must have fallen asleep last night after sex. It doesn’t surprise me because I felt so incredibly spent and relaxed afterward and I’m guessing she felt the same way. But now, it must be 6 am because that damn bell is ringing. Time to get up and get to the first morning meditation session.
I look over at Sasha who’s starting to stir. She glances at me with surprise and a bit of panic. She gasps when she realizes that she fell asleep in my bed and now she’s got to get herself out of my room without anyone seeing her.
We look at each other both obviously wanting to talk but feeling like we can’t because the walls are just too thin and someone will surely hear.
Gathering up her clothes, she starts putting them on. I look at her gorgeous body once more as she’s covering it up and think about what happened last night. The whole thing was so incredibly sexy–the sex itself was fucking amazing and then add on that we had to be silent the whole time and it’s a whole other level of over-the-top sexy.
We embrace and I kiss her chastely, feeling certain I have morning breath. I kiss both of her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and the top of her head and she sighs gently.
Giving me a small wave, she cracks my door open hesitantly as if something or someone might jump out behind it. She slips out, closing the door behind her quietly and I’m left sitting on the bed, wondering whether it will happen again. And when…
I get up and open the door and Sasha is nowhere in sight but there are a couple of guys in the hall heading toward the meditation room. I’m guessing Sasha did not get out of my room sight unseen. Oops.
The morning slips into the same routine as the prior day. Meditation, breakfast, chores, meditation.
I find myself feeling more relaxed and enjoying the whole experience more than yesterday. Even the food seems to taste better today. I’ve actually never had oatmeal taste as good as it did at breakfast.
Sasha and I don’t sit at the same table at lunch today. I sit down first and I’m hoping she might sit across from me again or at least near me but instead, she sits at another table, not glancing over in my direction.
After lunch is over, we run into each other at the desk that doubles as the message center. If anyone is trying to leave you a message a note will be placed here for you. I stop by because I’m worried that my assistant might need me while I’m here. She swore she wouldn’t bother me and said she can handle whatever comes her way, but I still feel compelled to check.
Evidently, Sasha is also concerned someone may be trying to reach her. We both have notes waiting for us. I grab mine nervously wondering what my assistant, Laney, needs help with.
The note isn’t from Laney though. It reads:Spencer, it has been brought to our attention that you and Sasha Jackson left the premises last night. We’d appreciate it if you don’t do that again. If there is anything you need here that you don’t have, please send a note to a staff member. We have also had a report of some “interesting” noises coming from your bedroom last night. Please refrain from making any more loud noises as silence is a crucial part of our experience here. Thanks for your cooperation.
I glance at Sasha who is reading her note and by the look on her face, it’s the same message. She looks up at me after finishing and raises her eyebrows, glancing at my note, her expression silently asking me if my note includes the same thing. I smile back at her, trying not to break into laughter, feeling like a teenager who just got caught with his girlfriend in his room. Evidently, we weren’t as quiet as we thought we were.
We both turn and head off quickly in opposite directions.
Girlfriend? Did I just refer to Sasha as my girlfriend? Where didthatcome from? I wonder how she would feel about it…
The rest of the day is full of so much sitting, so much self-reflection andsomuch time for me to think about Sasha. I really enjoyed our night, both the naked and the non-naked parts. She is amazing and so easy to talk to. And she’s so damn sexy. I can feel my cock starting to get hard thinking about being inside her.
At dinner, I look for her again, hoping she’ll sit close by. But she sits on the opposite side of the room and gets up shortly after she finishes her food. I see her heading toward the stairs, most likely going to her room. I like watching her walk, her hips swaying gently in her yoga tights and her ponytail bouncing.
I head out on the deck, where some other people are sitting in the Adirondack chairs, taking in the view. It’s a pretty night and it looks like sunset is going to be spectacular. If I had a workingphone I would text Sasha and tell her she’s missing a great view. Maybe I’d even ask her to come sit with me. But, of course, I have no wifi so, instead, I just sit and try to enjoy the sunset, lost in my own thoughts.
I think about what happened between us in my room last night. It was so unexpected. I really didn’t think I was her type. She strikes me as someone who would fall for a guy that’s more grounded. Someone who’s into family and wants his own family someday. She knows that’s not me.
My mind continues to wander, thinking about her stunning body and how she writhed under my touch. I intentionally moved so slowly with her last night, partly because I wanted to make sure that she really wanted to be with me and partly because I thoroughly enjoyed driving her crazy. I thought she was going to cry out from a mixture of ecstasy and need while I played with her nipples.