Page 3 of Billionaire's Match
Men just suck and I am so much happier at home on the couch with my cat, Sage, watching the latest binge-worthy show on Netflix.
Chapter 2
I’ve been in the office since 5:30 am and I barely slept last night. This new hotel deal might be the death of me. My assistant, Laney, is desperately looking for an important file that she’s somehow managed to misplace.
“Did you find it yet?” I call out to her, gruffly.
“Not yet, Mr. Sullivan. I’m so sorry. I know it’s here somewhere.”
I tip back my third espresso of the morning and pray that we can get this wrapped up soon. My phone alerts me that my 10 am appointment is in 10 minutes. Oh, fuck… I forgot that I have to be in person for this appointment. And their office is 20 minutes away.
I fly out of the office, instructing Laney to keep looking and call out that I’ll be back in an hour or so. Luckily, my driver pulls up just as I reach the curb and I get in and slam the door.
“Good morning, Mr. Sullivan,” Peter says, glancing in his rearview mirror. “Where are we off to?”
“Adore Matchmaking. I think they’re on 35th?” I reply, clenching my jaw.
As Peter is driving through the busy New York traffic I become more irritated about why I have to be in person for this appointment. I mean, I hired this company to find me a suitable partner. Shouldn’t I be allowed to handle all this on a Zoom call? I’m not even sure why I’m doing all this to begin with. I’ve never had much luck in the romance department. Most of the women I’ve dated have only been looking for one thing – a meal ticket. It never occurred to me that being wealthy would have drawbacks but I’ve found this to be a big one. My last girlfriend didn’t even try to hide it – she would just straight out ask me to buy her ridiculously expensive things like purses and shoes and European trips.
But this service is supposed to be exceptional and very detail-oriented according to my friend Josh. He met his wife Maddie with Adore’s help and they couldn’t be happier. So, I decided to give it a try. I hope I’m not disappointed, but I fear I might be.
We arrive at the Adore office and I rush in. It’s pouring now and I get soaked between the car and the office door. When I walk into the lobby looking like a drowned rat the receptionist greets me warmly. I tell her I’m there to meet with a matchmaker, but I can’t recall the woman’s name. The receptionist asks me to take a seat.
I sit down and look around at the tasteful furnishings. The room has a modern feel with lots of steel and glass. A piece of abstract art on the wall catches my attention and I wonder who the artist is.
Almost immediately I get a call from a broker that I’ve been trying to get in touch with all morning. I take the call hoping he’s got the information I need.
I look up a few minutes later and realize a woman in a very stylish navy blue dress and heels is patiently waiting for me tofinish my conversation. She smiles tightly at me and waits for me to hang up.
I put a finger up, indicating I’ll be off in a minute.
“Barry? I’m so sorry but I’m going to have to call you back later. I’m about to go into a meeting. But, I need those numbers as soon as possible.”
I frown while listening to Barry’s long-winded response about how he’s doing the best he can and will get back to me as soon as possible.
I finally end the call and glance back at the woman who now has her arms crossed and is pursing her full lips.
“Mr. Sullivan? I’m Sasha Jackson,” she says curtly reaching out to shake my hand. “I’ll be conducting your interview today. Would you like to come back with me?”
I shake Sasha’s hand, noticing her perfect manicure. “Of course. Let’s get started on this. I have a really busy day today.”
I follow Sasha back to the conference room and she motions me to take a seat. Sinking into the plush chair, I get a strong whiff of coffee.
“Can I get you anything? Water, coffee, tea?”
“No thanks. About how long will this take?”
“Well, usually I talk with new clients for an hour. But we’re starting late today,” she gives me a raised eyebrow. “So, we might have to cut it a bit shorter than usual.”
“Oh, yes, I do apologize for being late. I had forgotten that you require the first appointment to be in person. Why exactly is that your policy, anyway?”
She looks at me with striking blue eyes and says, “It’s important that we connect fully with our clients, Mr. Sullivan, so we can more easily understand what they value and what they are looking for in a partner. That’s difficult to do over a Zoom call. I apologize if the requirement has put you out,” she says, clicking her fingernails on the table.
“A Zoom would have definitely been more convenient, especially with my tight schedule. But, here we are, so let’s get started.” Putting my phone in my jacket pocket, I fold my hands in my lap.
“Alright then.” She puts on her glasses, takes a deep breath and glances at her screen. “Can you give me an idea of what kind of woman or man you are looking for?”