Page 3 of Returning To Mia
Somewhere here she has a secret stash of toys and I’m going to find it and use it all on her. I unhook the cuffs. My baby doesn’t need any more self-play. No, whatever she needs I’ll give her from here forward, just as she’ll give me what I need all over again.
I open the tall cabinet against the wall and lift the lid on the box, try to lift it at least, but its locked telling me this is her stash. Her parents are fanatics about church and crap and would never let her have that sort of thing. They’d toss it out the second they found it, then send her to some church camp to ‘make her better’ or some shit. I’ll never let that happen, never let anyone take Mia from me again.
The lock on it is a little trickier than the front door just for being so small but I definitely hit the jackpot. There is more than enough in it to keep my baby happy for a long,longtime. With this she wouldn’t even need a man and that makes me happier still.
I can tell there are a couple things we’ll need before tonight gets here and I head out to the store, picking them up and go back, hoping Mia gets home soon because I need her more than I need air. Five years…fiveyearswithout her, without tasting her, smelling her, and I can’t take another five hours without her now.
Five o’clock gets there and I easily give her to six because I don’t know where she’s working. All I have is her address but it’s all I really need. It’s where she’ll be—eventually, I have to add when it turns to seven then eight and she’s still not here.
I hear the door open at eight-twenty and I wait inside her darkened bedroom, listening to her moving through the living room, hear the freezer open and I wonder if she’s taking out one of those ice cubes to play with now. I almost wish I’d left that there just to see her do it, walk in and take over for whatever toy she chose, satisfy her myself, show her nothing can come close to how it is with us.
The bedroom door opens, and I hear the rustle of fabric as she grumbles about the light I unscrewed, not wanting anything but the moonlight caressing her body tonight. The soft whoosh of a blouse hits the floor, and I can’t stop from finding her in the semi-dark as she slips off her pants. Her hand hits my abs and I push her into the wall; her smell instantly has me rock solid, and I can’t stop from pressing into her softness. My hand squeezes her breast and a broken cry slips from her lips.
“Don’t…just kill me please…” she begs, and I feel rage and agony rush through me at those words. How the hell could she say that to me…me?
A snarl flies out of my lips and I release her, turning her until her back hits the wall and hold her wrists. I curse wildly and can feel her flinch at my hard, harsh snaps. It’s too much, way too much and I drag her from the bedroom out into the living room where the soft glow of the lamp lights the space. Her eyes are shut and she’s almost limp making me furious.
I give her a shake snapping her name at her, “Mia!”
Her gorgeous green eyes flew open, widening in disbelief her breath rushing out in a whoosh. She shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut then reopens them, staring at me still as her chin starts to tremble. Shit, she’s more beautiful than she was, but there is pain and something else in her eyes I can’t read.
“Evan?” she whispers, and I pull her up against me, my hands sliding up to hold onto her face. “No…you’re in jail…”
“I was until a few months ago; I’ve spent the last five of them making sure my family never gets between us again, baby.” I lowered my mouth to hers, unable to resist from tasting her. Her first kiss is tentative, as though she’s still not sure I’m really here. I push her mouth open, dragging my tongue against hers, sweeping it over the roof of her mouth and then dip down, teasing the little knot that tends to build up under her tongue.
“Evan.” She moans against my lips and her kisses return the same desperation, the same fierce need, desire as mine. I lift her up, backing her into the wall pushing my cock hard against her pussy.
“No,” she cries dragging her mouth away from mine making me nearly beg for another taste. Five years…five damn years without the taste of her. Shit, I didn’t even remember it was this good, if I had I would have killed Garret myself instead of letting the feds go after him.
“Mia, baby.” I try to soothe her with my words, searching for her mouth but she manages to get a hand up between us, putting it over my mouth stopping me.
“You think you can get out and the come find me, pick up right where we left off?” Her words are furious and the tears in her eyes break my heart, the one I didn’t even know I had until I found her fourteen years ago.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry,” I whisper, kissing the tears away as she shuts her eyes squeezing them tight trying to stop them as they started to fall. “I didn’t send you a message after I was arrested because I thought you’d set me up, Mia. Garret said you turned me in when he came by to tell me I was on my own; if I talked, he’d see me dead.”
“How am I supposed to buy that…that you want anything more than to hurt me if you thought that?” She trembles in my arms and I move us away from the wall, carrying her into the bedroom finding the switch for the lamp next to the bed for some light. I set her down on the bed and crawl over her before she can scramble off it. I can’t begin to let go of her, not now that I have her back.
“I was sent away for life, baby. I never would have been released if I’d really done it, Mia, you know that,” I remind her, pulling her eyes up to mine. “I thought you set me up at first and I was pissed that the woman I loved could betray me, but I never could have hurt you, let anyone else hurt you. I got your letter, but I didn’t even open it, not until two years later when I was about ready to commit murder for real on the inside.”
“You read it…and?” Her chest shakes with the ragged breaths she’s pulling in making me ache to take away all her pain, all her worries. I want to have it all, all over again along with everything else we didn’t get five years ago.
“And I knew I’d broken your heart. You thought I did a job for my brothers and did it messy enough to get caught. I would never have put them above you, baby,never. The moment I read your letter, I got in touch with a guy who wasn’t afraid of my brothers and what they can do to make people disappear. Six months ago, he took the proof of what happened to the feds, and I’ve spent the last five months in a safe house while everyone else thought I was locked up in solitary until they could take down my whole family, Mia. I did that for you, so I could get you back, baby.” I admit all but her parents’ involvement. I’ll tell her that tomorrow, tonight’s for us.
Chapter 3
The moment he said my name I swore I was dreaming, or else I’d really done it, jumped off the bridge and it was all just some dying fantasy. Then he kissed me and every single need I ever felt instantly ignited. I wanted to drown in him, in it, but sanity pushed at the edges, and I had to know how he was here, why.
Now…did he really just say that?
“You did what?” I ask unable to stop the words from falling out of my mouth.
“I took down my family, so I could find you, get you back and keep you safe, Mia-mine.” The nickname makes the wall around my heart shatter, the tears poured down my face and I pulled him down to me, holding tight as the sobs racked my body.
“Shh, oh god, baby, stop…I can’t handle your tears,” he whispered into my ear, his lips sipping at the wetness on my face, but they just kept coming and coming until I was drained, my face tucked in tight against his neck with Evan wrapped tightly around me.
“I’ve missed you so much,” I manage to get out dragging in shallow breaths as my chest stops convulsing.