Page 103 of Thor & Dragon
“They were going to watch to learn your routines and hope that they’d be able to sneak in and capture both you and blondie here as well as another woman you’re close to. Somehow, they know how to get into your compound undetected. However, if all three of you women were to go into town together, they’d ambush you, kill your guards, and kidnap you.”
“Then what?”
“They mentioned something about tying up loose ends at the cabin, picking up their friend, and taking you home. They also mentioned something about going back to where everything started.”
My mind whirled as I tried to figure out what they meant by back where everything started. Shaking off that thought, I refocused. Nicole’s breathing was becoming a wheeze.
Lifting her chin with the pipe, I made her look into my eyes.
“Do you know what would have happened if they had kidnapped us?”
She shakes her head. “They just told me that you’d stolen something from them and gave it to the Steel Archangel’s. They needed you to get it back.”
Fury raged in my veins. “I didn’t steal anything from them. My own uncle sold my virginity to Fang. If they get their hands on us, they will torture and rape us before eventually selling or killing us.”
Her eyes widen and her body starts to shake even more. Tears pool in her eyes. “I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t know!”
Pausing, I notice her breathing is getting harsher. Fuck, I need to finish this.
“What about at B3?”
“I’m the reason the numbers are all off. I don’t think anyone else was doing the same thing.”
“Why did you do it? Both the cameras and stealing from B3?”
Her body slumps slightly as she hangs her head.
“I needed the money. My grandpa’s the only family I have left. He’s in a nursing home and needs expensive medicine for his treatments. If I didn’t come up with the money, they were going to have to transfer him somewhere else. I can’t afford to send him anywhere else. This was the cheapest place I could find.”
My heart breaks a little at her admission, but it doesn’t excuse what she did or would have done.
A hand lands on the small of my back, jarring me out of my thoughts. Dragon looks down at me in concern. Seconds later, another hand wraps around my waist.
“Your grandpa will be taken care of,” Thor says.
“C-Can you please not tell Grandpa how or why I died? It would kill him. Please.”
I nod and relief floods her face.
Glancing up at Thor, I raise an eyebrow in question. “???? ?????? ????????”
He shakes his head, and when I look around the room, everyone else shakes their head no.
Handing the pipe to Dragon, I take my ka-bar back from Thor. Walking around Nicole, Sasha joins my guys and all three of them walk to the front of the room till they’re standing at the edge of the plastic.
Grabbing her hair, I keep her head steady and slice my knife across her throat. Blood spatters on the plastic and I push down the bile in my throat. Giving her a wide berth to potentially avoid more blood or bodily fluids on me, I walk over to the others and watch as Nicole takes her last breaths. Her body sags and a sliver of guilt at what I’d done eats at me, but I push it aside. It was necessary to protect my family and myself.
Patch walks over to her, and with a grim nod, confirms she’s dead.
“Wildcat, how about you girls use the shower back there to clean up? We’ll handle Nicole.” He leans down to kiss me, but I pull back.
“Nope! I need to clean myself off before either one of you kisses me.” Instead, I blow them a kiss which has them smiling. Ripping off my gloves, I toss them onto the plastic.
Making sure I don’t step off the plastic, I pick my bag up off the table and carefully hold it away from my body.
Jax hands me a bag as well. “Here, kiddo, put your clothes and shoes in this bag. We’ll burn it when we’re done.”
“Thanks, Jax.”