Page 111 of Thor & Dragon
“Sorry. How about we head in and get some food? Dragon, do you want me to grab you a plate since you seem pretty content where you are?”
He laughs and nods. Smiling, I head into the clubhouse with Thor and Carter. I can’t wait to introduce Bastion to everyone.
It’s been a week since our last punishment supper, and I think the guys all got Wildcat’s message loud and clear.
Bastion has been settling in nicely and follows Levi everywhere. A couple of days after he came here, the son of his previous owner, Matthew, who’s also in the police force, came by to teach us the commands that Bastion knew.
While he was skeptical of us at first because of the club, he quickly warmed up to us. Later I found out that was because of how calm Bastion was here and around everyone. If we had been doing anything illegal, like running drugs, Bastion would have been able to sniff them out and alert him. Thank fuck we aren’t into that.
I also spoke to Matthew about a few things I’d noticed with Levi. Her anxiety has been through the roof, but somehow, Bastion’s able to sense it and nudges her whenever it gets bad. She’ll start to pet him and then her body will start to relax. Apparently, Bastion was trained to pick up on certain signals and react accordingly. Since he can no longer wear his police dog vest, Matthew brought us a service dog vest just in case we needed it.
However, her anxiety today is worse than anything we’ve seen so far. Probably because today’s the day her uncle Sean is being released from prison. Also, the fact that yesterday we heard back from Creed about the location where Fang had been holding the women. Somehow, Fang had been tipped off, and they were gone by the time Creed and his men showed up, but there was proof they were there recently. Recent as in they’d left probably only a couple hours before Creed got there even though our scouts didn’t see anyone leave.
I wish we could have had Bastion with us right now, though. We’re on our way to Wildcat’s first doctor appointment and she’s been constantly wringing her hands together ever since we left the compound. Today, we’re in our truck and we’ve got Ryder, Smoke, Travis, and Ethan, riding point. Reaching across the console, I take her hand and intertwine our fingers together.
“Wildcat, it’ll be okay. I’m sure the baby is healthy. Plus, we can talk to the doc about if Bastion will be able to come to future appointments.”
She sighs and squeezes my hand. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” she whispers. “I have this really weird feeling and I don’t know if it’s just nerves about our baby, Uncle Sean, and Fang, or something else entirely. Or even, all of the above.”
Looking in the rearview mirror, Dragon and I lock eyes. In our short time together, we’ve heard stories about Levi’s feelings and usually, how things go to shit not too long afterward. We’ll have to be even more careful now that we’re in town.
We pull up in front of the doctor’s office, which I’m happy to see is not too far from the hospital if an emergency comes up later in her pregnancy. As I park; I glance around. There are a few people out and about, which isn’t too unusual for 8 am on a Friday. No one’s acting suspicious at least. Getting out, I walk over to Levi’s door but Dragon’s already opening it for her and shielding her back.
When she steps up onto the sidewalk, my brothers and I all surround her as we make our way inside. We get a few stares as we walk, but Levi’s safety is top priority right now.
We head straight in and Levi continues to the check-in desk. Dragon and I follow her, while the others break off and sit down in the chairs along the back wall of the waiting area. We get quite a few stares from the women here already waiting, but at least no one hassles us.
The lady at the check-in desk, whose badge says her name is Daphne, looks like she’s about to drool all over herself, but as we get closer, I scowl when she’s practically eye-fucking us.
“Hello, how can I help you?” she practically purrs and leans forward, pushing her chest out. Can’t she see that we’re obviously with Wildcat?
“Hello, Daphne. I’m Levi Wallace and I would appreciate it if you’d stop eye-fucking my fiancée’s. I have an appointment with Dr. Rowen.”
I bite my cheek to keep from laughing, but Dragon’s not as successful. Both of us wrap our arms around her waist and kiss her temples. Daphne’s face turns red and she glares at my Wildcat before angrily typing on her keyboard.
“Insurance card and driver’s license?”
Wildcat pulls out her wallet and hands her the cards. Actually, that reminds me, I need to get her on our insurance.
While she gets the rest of Wildcat’s information, Daphne keeps sending us flirty looks, which pisses me off more. It’s our first time here, and I don’t really want to make a scene unless it’s necessary. But if she keeps this up, all bets are off.
Daphne opens a file drawer, pulls a few forms out, scribbles a few things on them, and hands Levi the clipboard. She smiles smugly at her before her gaze roams over Dragon and me hungrily once again.
Fuck, I really want to put this woman in her place.
Daphne bats her eyelashes at us, and Wildcat clears her throat. I have to really bite my tongue not to go off on her. Daphne’s gaze returns to Wildcat, and she scowls again. “Fill these out. You can give them to your nurse when you’re called back.”
“Thank you.” Even though she’s polite, I can tell her voice is tight with anger.
We walk over to sit near my brothers, whose shoulders are shaking with laughter.
“God, I’d love to gouge her eyes out,” Levi mutters. Sitting down next to her, I drape my arm over the back of her chair, and she starts filling out her health history.
I lean over and whisper to Smoke. “Keep your eyes peeled. Wildcat started having some weird feelings on the drive over here.”
His face hardens and his eyes darken at the thought of her in danger. Though I know part of his anger is also because his sister, Nikki, works as a nurse here. That’s part of why we chose this place.
Levi and Smoke have gotten really close this past week and even had some video calls with Nikki and her daughter, Sadie. Both of them are going to be coming to the clubhouse this weekend to get to know Levi. Actually, it will be their first time coming to the compound.