Page 146 of Thor & Dragon
Almost three hours later, we creep into position at location A as some of the last rays of daylight still lingers in the air. Just enough for us to use Smoke’s drone but dark enough that no one should be able to see it.
We left the vans and trucks about half a mile down the road. Bones found an old service road that got us close to our location and we left the vehicles on the partially covered section of the service road. A handful of men stayed with the vehicles.
Up ahead, I can see lights on in some of the rooms, but unfortunately, they either have their lights off or heavy curtains.
“Alright, Smoke, do your thing.”
He gives me a chin lift and walks a few steps away from us before kneeling and opening a large case. It takes a few minutes for him to set up his drone before it’s off and flying. I watch over his shoulder at the monitor and once again, am impressed with how clear of a picture we’re able to get with his setup.
It doesn’t take long for the drone to reach the house and he switches to thermal. In this section, I only see two of our guys so far.
“Alpha, Golf, what’s your status?” Smoke asks.
“Two tangos, male, walking around perimeter. One tango at the front door and one at the gate. Earlier counted five tangos, male, in Southeast room first floor. About… forty minutes ago, heavy curtains were closed, lost sight. Second floor, lights off, no visible movement. No entries or exits from the front of the house,”Alexei replies.
“Northeast room first floor has heavy curtains drawn on the North side of the house but the windows on the east side are boarded up, can’t see in but lights are on. Second-floor room has lights on, curtains shut. No visible movement,”Gunner says.
“Charlie, Sierra, what’s your status?” Smoke says.
“One tango, male, at the back door. No entries or exits from back of the house. No one’s been in what looks to be a study on first floor, no lights. Three women were bound upstairs in Southwest room with another tango, male. About forty minutes ago a tango, male, carried one of the women out of the room,”Cannon replies.
“Windows are boarded up in the Northwest room first floor. There’s a light on but I can’t see enough through the gaps. Lights out in upstairs bedroom, no movement,”Smithy says.
“Bravo Team, you’re with me. Fan out and give the signal if you see anything,” Smoke says. Besides Smoke it’s, Axe, Tripp, Loki, Viper, Python, and Doc in that group.
“Alpha Team, move out,” I say and we creep forward, sticking to the shadows. With me are Dragon, Phoenix, Ryder, Bear, Patch, Punisher, Beast, Razor and Devil. Half will go in the front and half through the back. The ones in the front will clear the first room and then go straight upstairs, since the only staircase is right by that door. Dragon and I will bring up the rear to the rear entrance with Bear since we’re both still feeling the effects of our injuries, but there was no way in hell were we not going in.
Phoenix sneaks up behind the tango guarding the back door and quickly snaps his neck before throwing him over his shoulder and dumping his body in the nearby tree line. Bear and Razor make quick work of the two tangos’ walking the perimeter. For as big and heavy as Bear is, it still surprises me that he can move so quickly and so quietly.
Phoenix and Razor move to the front yard with the rest of their team while we get in position by the back door.
“Front neutralized. Enter in three, two, one, go!”
My body is on fire. I have a dozen or so cuts across my torso and even more on my arms and legs. The word slut has been carved into my thigh. Travis cut most of my clothes off and has enjoyed his painting, as he calls my cuts, while he gropes me. Thank God, I’m still in the chair and not stretched out on a table.
I try to peek over at Andre, but doing so gets me another slice into my skin. Pain blossoms as blood trickles down my thigh. Besides the word slut, they haven’t cut too deep into me, for which I’m thankful for. While I no doubt will have even more scars, especially the slut one, my heart breaks when I remember my last good look at Reaper.
While I know I’m in pain, it’s nothing compared to how his must be. His chest and arms are covered in cuts and blood as well as a nasty cut diagonally across his face.
They’ve already killed the woman they brought in earlier after they each took their turn. They left her mutilated body chained up to the table. A ‘visual reminder’ they said for what will eventually happen to me.
“We’ll be back, Princess, after our friend gets some time with you,” Fang says cryptically before he kisses me roughly. His tongue begs for entrance, but I clamp my jaw together tight. Unfortunately, it’s short-lived.
Pain sears up my leg and I know they’ve cut deeper than they have so far. I can’t help the gasp of pain that escapes, and Fang takes advantage, shoving his tongue in my mouth. I clamp down hard with my teeth on his tongue until I taste blood. His head rears away from me, blood trickling down his chin before he backhands me so violently the chair rocks. Thankfully, it doesn’t tip over.
“You’ll pay for that bitch,” he says and spits some blood on the floor. “I’ll make sure it’s extra painful when it’s my turn,” he sneers.
Fang and his brothers leave the room as they all smile darkly. Travis is the only one left in the room and he takes advantage of it by violently groping me. I struggle, trying to get the last bit of rope cut. He’d been too busy groping me and licking me to pay attention to my wrists.
“We’ve got a special surprise for you, Princess,” he says as he walks around in front of me and drags his knife across my cheek. I clench my jaw as it bites into my skin deep enough that I know it’ll scar. I continue to concentrate on the ropes and I almost make it through when the door opens, but I don’t take my eyes off Travis.
“I’ll just be over here, making sure you don’t do anything stupid. Hope you enjoy it, cause I’ll be taking my turn next.”
He walks over to Andre, grabs his hair, and places his knife at his throat.
“Now, how is my special girl doing?”
It’s only then that I focus on the other man. Fucking Sean. Though, the years have not been kind to him. He looks like he’s been the subject of a lot of prison fights as his nose has been broken several times. He looks gaunt, his skin stretched taught over his bones. I didn’t think they would starve people in prison, or maybe they hadn’t, and he lost his food since he doesn’t look like he’d last a minute in an actual fight. His brown hair is styled in a comb-over in an attempt to hide his large bald spot. Keyword— attempt.