Page 165 of Thor & Dragon
“You mean you haven’t figured it out yet?”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I have, but I want to hear it coming from your mouth.”
“Sanchez was enamored with you when he first saw the picture I sent. You’ve become his obsession and he vows he will have you one day.”
I pull my arm back, but someone catches my wrist. Anger rips through me as I look over my shoulder and see Dragon holding me. I’m about to let him feel my rage for stopping me when he smirks and winks.
“Spitfire, if you’re going to hit him, how about you use these instead? It’ll hurt him a lot worse,” he says as he holds up my new brass knuckles. Well shit, now I can’t be mad at him.
“Fuck, you got lucky there, Dragon. I thought she was going to castrate you,” Uncle Bear says as he laughs, and a few others laugh along with them.
“Nah, I like his dick and balls too much to do that to him,” I say, winking back at Dragon, which has my brothers groaning and Dragon grinning at me.
Slipping on the brass knuckles, I open and close my hand, getting a feel for them before turning and landing a punch to Sean’s jaw.
Next, I go to Fang and wrench his hair back painfully.
“Who were you going to sell my baby to?” I purposefully don’t let him know that I’m having twins.
“Everything all leads back to Sanchez, Princess. Like Sean says, he’s obsessed with you and will take you any way he can. Once your kid was old enough, he was going to start grooming him or her for his personal use, since he couldn’t have you when you were a kid. Though he fully intends to have more kids with you. And when he tires of you or you’re no longer of use to him, he’d ship you off to one of his brothels like he does his other toys when they no longer interest him.”
I rain my fists down on Fang, hitting vital points over and over until a hand lands on my arm. Looking up, I realize it’s Thor. Anger, hate, fear, sympathy, and love all swirl in his blue eyes. A tear escapes and his rough hand wipes it away. However, I’m surprised when it’s Sasha that speaks and not him.
“?? ???????? ???? ??????? ????, ????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????????? ???????.????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????.”
Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and turn to Travis, who’s smirking at me.
“What did you have to gain from all this, Travis?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he asks as his smirk deepens. However, it falls a bit when he sees my dark smile.
“I was hoping you’d go the hard route.” I turn and look at the club members. “I’m going to need a little help before we break out the big finale. I need all three men laying on the ground, legs spread. Any volunteers to get them into position?”
Punisher laughs. “Oh, I think I know where you’re going with this and even though it’ll hurt like hell to watch, I want these fuckers to feel your wrath.”
“Aww, thank you Punisher. I’ll make sure you get extra desserts tonight just for that comment.” I reach up and kiss his cheek which has my men growling but there’s no threat behind it.
I retrieve my last couple of boxes from the cabinet and set them down on the table, but I don’t open them yet.
When the men are in position and restrained, I walk back over to Travis and crouch down by his head.
“What did you have to gain from this, Travis?”
A smirk is his answer, so I get up and walk over to Sean before landing my metal spiked heel into his balls. Sean’s cries fill the air as I grind down on him. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice almost all the guys behind me wince in pain.
“Oh fuck! Please say you have more tips in one of those boxes,” Sasha says excitedly.
Looking over my shoulder, I grin at her. “Open the smaller box, and you can have Fang.”
I laugh as she squeals with excitement and rips open the box, revealing a few hundred metal spikes that mirror my heels.
Walking over to Travis, I noticed both he and Fang have pissed themselves as they watched what I did to Sean. I stand in front of Travis and wait for Sasha to come over. Travis eyes both of us with fear.
Sasha crouches down in between Fang’s legs with her spikes and a hammer. “This is for what you did to my sister and Emily, both when she was sixteen and what you did the last couple of weeks.”
She drives the spike into his balls and I step closer to Travis, driving my heel into his balls. After a few minutes or so, I step back and Sasha does the same.
“Can you guys please get them back into a standing position? It’s time to end this,” I say as I walk over to the tables.