Page 17 of Thor & Dragon
P.S. A, K, and J and are looking forward to meeting you again as well. Sweet dreams, Princess.
Dropping the box on the table, I stalk to the kitchen with Thor right behind me. I’d have to talk to Thor later about the last attack and if he knew what Bear had done. Bear’s family. We could have helped them.
I shake off my thoughts and refocus. That talk can happen later. Right now, my Spitfire needs me. Knowing she’d probably need something to help take the edge off; I grab some drinks out of the fridge and head toward the back door.
?????/?????[semya] = Family
?????e/C?????[sestra] = Sister
C???????? ????[spokoynoy nochi] = Good night
????? ????[lublu tebya] = Love you
? ???? ???? ?????[ya toze tebya lublu] = Love you too
Thrusting the box into Dragon’s hands, I make a beeline to the front door.
I can’t break down in here.
I can’t break down in here.
I can’t break down in here.
Outside, I slip past the prospect and stalk straight to my bike before unstrapping the backpack. Heading back up the porch steps, I try not to run as I make my way to the backyard. Hopefully, the prospect doesn’t follow me and that no one’s on patrol back here.
Taking a look around, I wish I could take a moment to appreciate in the beautiful backyard, but my gaze focuses on the trees at the edge of the backyard before snagging on one that’ll be perfect for me.
My fingers tremble as I slip off my jacket, unzip my backpack, and strap on my sheathes. Walking backward twenty paces, I turn and face the tree. Grabbing two blades, I twirl one as my emotions threaten to boil over. Moments later, blade after blade sink into the bark of the tree in front of me.
One of my demons from my past found me and tricked me into going out with him.Oh, my God! I kissed and made out with him!
Bile rises in my throat, but I push it down and imagine Scott, no Fang, strapped to the tree as my blades sink into him repeatedly. To make him pay for the pain he caused me and my family. For what he’d done to my mom. To make him hurt for coming after me again and trying to seduce me.
Once all of my blades are embedded in the tree, I stalk toward it as I angrily wipe away the tears that continue to fall. Numbly, I sheath all the blades and step back twenty steps again to repeat the process. Later, when I’m alone, I’ll get out my black journal and pour out more of my emotions, but this will have to do for now.
I don’t know how long I’ve been throwing knives when I hear the back door open as I sheath the last of my blades and step back for another round. I ignore whoever came outside and start throwing again. As the men start talking, I realize it’s Dragon and Thor, and my fingers almost slip when I release a blade. They must not realize how much their deep voices carry back here. My fingers work on autopilot as I listen to them, and I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
How can they feel that way about me? Didn’t they hear that my ex-boyfriend was actually Fang? Why aren’t they disgusted by it like I am? I tune them out as I focus back on my blades.
As I follow Dragon outside, I’m not prepared for the sight before me.
Levi’s taken off her jacket and has sheaths strapped to her back and thighs, as well as a few pouches on her hips. She most likely has some hidden in her boots, too. Knife after knife she flings into a tree trunk. The sight sends a surge straight through me and damn, does my dick take further notice of her. I thought she was sexy before, but she’s even sexier like this.
“Fuck me,” Dragon mutters, and I nod in agreement before turning to him.
“Just to make sure we’re on the same page, you serious about pursuing her?” I make sure to keep my voice low so that neither Levi nor the others would hear if they’re near the back door.
“Fuck yeah, I am. You seem to have taken an almost instant liking to her as well. You serious?”
“Hell yes, I am.” As my attention goes back to Levi, a sigh escapes as a concern I’d had keeps bothering me. “I just hope she’s okay with both of us. Hope she doesn’t run.”
Not many women can handle one of us, let alone both of us. They may think they can, but shortly into the relationship, they bail because they can’t. But somehow… somehow, I feel like Levi would be able to handle us. Maybe she needs both of us just as much as we need her.
“I don’t think she’ll run. She went toe-to-toe with both of us and stood her ground multiple times.”
A chuckle coming from behind us catches both of us off guard. We both spin around to find Sasha sitting on the railing, cleaning her nails with a knife.
“Levi can definitely handle both your stubborn asses. You treat her right, like an equal, and she’ll do same. You belittle her, talk down to her, or treat her like possession; she’ll be gone so fast you won’t realize she’s castrated you in process. She’s not a hit-and-quit girl. You treat her like that, and I’ll make sure no one finds your bodies.”