Page 173 of Thor & Dragon
I mime zipping my lips. “Nope, you’ll find out later.”
Smoke covers his smile with his mouth as he tries not to laugh. I don’t know how my men haven’t found out about the bet yet—it started about a week after Andre got out of the hospital, and I’m pretty sure it was him that started it.
A little blond bombshell crashes into Jax’s legs. He grins when he looks down.
“How’s Miss Sadie doing today?”
“Good, Unca Jax. I get to try on my pretty dress today and Mama brought my white biker boots you got me.”
I can’t help smiling when I hear her say ‘Unca Jax’. Nikki said when Sadie was younger, she had the damndest time saying uncle correctly. That problem has since been rectified, but the nickname stuck.
Most of the time, Sadie is a tomboy, wanting to be just like Unca Jax–wearing a leather jacket, t-shirts, jeans, and biker boots. She even has her own helmet. On other occasions, although rare, she’ll sport a dress, but it’s always completed with her leather jacket and biker boots.
About ten minutes later, Elaine calls us back. Today, all the ladies, my men, and Jax are going to cram in the room to look at our babies. Kind of a pre-cursor to tonight’s party.
“Okay, everyone. I’ll go get the ultrasound tech and remind him or her, no genital shots while you’re looking at the baby. In the end, we’ll turn the station slightly to get some pictures that will go with the gender cards that Sasha’s eagerly waiting on. Be back in a few minutes.”
When Elain stayed in the room with me after bringing me back, I squealed and hugged her. I wanted her to be able to see the babies but didn’t know if she would be able to. Turns out she was able to get one of the other girls to cover the front desk so she could be in on seeing the pictures. Between her and Nikki, they are my favorite nurses to work with.
“What gender are you hoping the babies are?” Nikki asks Sadie.
“I hope she has one of each! I don’t have a brother or sister yet, so I want one of each for cousins!”
My heart squeezes at the look that crosses Nikki’s face, but it’s quickly masked.
Sadie kneels on her chair and hugs Nikki. “Someday I hope you can meet a nice guy like how Auntie Levi met Unca Thor and Unca Dragon!”
That thought has Jax turning pale. “Nope, munchkin. If your mama meets a guy, that’s it, just one.”
She turns to him, looking confused. “But why? I know Mama would smile more and be happier if she has two someones that are nice. And Auntie Levi smiles almost all the time, so she must be really really happy. I want Mama to be that happy.”
Oh, out of the mouth of babes.
On one hand, I want to laugh so much at her unknown innuendo of one of the sources of my double happiness. On the other hand, my heart breaks at how much Sadie has observed in her short life but also how much she wants her mom to be happy.
Nikki hugs her and kisses all over her face, making Sadie giggle. “All I need is you, my little Sadie pie.” When Nikki hugs her, her mask breaks and Jax hands a tissue to Nikki, which she readily accepts.
A knock sounds at the door and Elaine comes back with the technician.
“Yeah, it’s time to see the babies!” Sadie cries out, which has everyone laughing and breaking the tension in the room.
The technician smears the gel on my stomach and soon my babies’ heartbeats fill the air while she takes their measurements.
“Your babies are right on track for their size, their heartbeats are strong and there’s lots of fluid around them.”
The knot in my gut loosens at hearing they’re still going strong. Ever since I woke up in that house and remembered the crash, I’d been worried sick about if I’d still end up losing one or both of them.
“Okay, I’m going to turn away to get the gender checked. If you could please pass the bag over, I’ll seal it up for you.”
Sasha anxiously hands the bag over to the technician with an envelope, and after a few minutes, she seals the envelope. After she staples the bag closed, she passes it back to Sasha who immediately tucks it into her purse. The technician helps me clean the gel off my baby bump before gathering up her things.
“Dr. Rowen will be in in a few minutes. Hope your reveal party is a blast later today!”
“Thank you!” we call out.
Elaine gives me a hug and says she’ll see us tonight before slipping outside.
The rest of the appointment goes by quickly and I soon find myself settled back in the car. Time for the dresses.