Page 20 of Thor & Dragon
His worried gaze flicks to us for a few moments before he turns back to Sasha.
“Warn them.”
When she nods, he turns and follows the others.
Dragon’s concerned gaze meets mine, and I frown. What did they need to warn us about? It’s then that I realize Levi’s hand is still in mine and I give it a little squeeze. As I look at her to gauge her reaction to what Alexei said, I notice she’s already lost in thought again, her eyes slightly glazed over even though she’s only had four beers tonight, and the last one she finished an hour and a half ago.
Giving her hand another squeeze, I lead us back into the kitchen and give them a quick tour of the downstairs before heading upstairs. There are four bedrooms for guests, plus the master and our bedrooms. Sasha picks out which room she’ll use and then I point out which rooms are ours before stopping where Levi’s room will be. When we open the door, Sasha’s jaw drops.
“Damn, I think you have the best room in the house, Levi!”
Levi looks around the room in shock as she nods slightly.
After Dad passed away, we’d redecorated the room. Like most of the house, this room also has hardwood floors. We repainted the walls and sparsely decorated it. With Dad’s hospital bed gone, we put in a big, king-sized bed in hopes we’d someday find a woman that was right for us. There’s a sitting area in front of the TV, and we have another fireplace in here. Levi opens and closes her mouth a few times before she shakes her head slightly.
“You guys keep surprising me,” she murmurs as she runs her hand over the handmade bookcase that runs under the windows.
Dragon’s chest puffs out, and I know he’s happy that she likes his handiwork. I keep telling him he should open up a custom wood shop, but he always says he’d rather have it as a hobby. That doing it for a living would suck the fun out of it. Squeezing the strap of her backpack on her shoulder, she turns slightly but doesn’t make eye contact with anyone. Not even Sasha. Shit, I wonder how badly she’s freaking out.
“I’m going to change real quick,” she all but whispers.
We nod, and she quietly makes her way to the bathroom. Once the door’s shut, Sasha sighs heavily.
“I need warn you. She sleeps with her blades. Tucks few under pillows and few under mattress on any open side.” She sighs again as she looks over at the bathroom door.
It seems that whenever her or Alexei get emotional or worried, their accent thickens, and they slip into their broken English.
“She’ll probably have nightmares next few nights. Always happens when something brings up memories or around anniversary of Emily’s death.???????????? ? ???.”
I frown, wondering what that means, but Dragon beats me to it.
“What’s that mean?”
With a small smile, she turns back toward us. “Take care of her.”
Warmth fills my chest at her words. She’s trusting us with her friend or sister to use her words from earlier when I’d asked what??????meant. We both nod. The bathroom door opens and as I turn toward the door, I instantly forget how to breathe.
Levi has on a dark blue tank top that hugs her curves and short, black boy-shorts that show off her long legs. Her hair is now hanging loose and nearly reaches her sweet ass. Fuck, it’s going to be hard to not kiss her senseless and hold her tight.
Sasha walks over to her and wraps her in a hug.
I shake my head to clear my mind and notice Dragon doing the same. I don’t want to scare her away by coming on too fast. Especially after what all happened tonight.
“C???????? ????.????? ????,” Sasha says as she rests her forehead against Levi’s.
“C???????? ????.? ???? ???? ?????.”
As the girls pull apart, Sasha waves to us good night and lets herself out. Turning back to Levi, I point out our doors in case she missed it earlier, when she seemed like she was still in a daze.
“My room is through that door and Dragon’s is through the one over there. Let us know if you need anything. You may have already noticed, but there are fresh towels in the bathroom.”
I step closer to her, taking her hand and rub my thumb over the back of it, praying I’m not being too forward, but I need to touch her. She blushes slightly and bites her lip as she looks down at our joined hands. It takes everything in me to keep from freeing her lip and kissing her. Her brows furrow, but her gaze stays locked on our joined hands.
“How can you still touch me after learning I’d kissed and made out with him? That he ended up being the demon behind our torture and Mom’s death?”
She tries to tug her hand free, but I tighten my grip at the same time that Dragon steps forward, taking her other hand. We need to nip this in the bud, but telling her how we feel might be too much on top of everything else she’s been through tonight.
“He tricked you, Wildcat. I’m sure if you had known who he truly was, he’d be dead right now. There’s no reason to feel dirty or that you’re less of a person because of what he did.”