Page 52 of Thor & Dragon
When I look at him, he nods at the table. I glance down and realize I’ve gripped the edge so hard I have blood dripping down my hands. Cursing, I wipe my hands on my pants, thankful that I wore black jeans today. Patch gives me a chin lift and grabs the kit that’s stored in here before pulling a chair up next to me and got to work on my hands.
“We need eyes on those four houses. Smoke, figure out who owns or rents those houses. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find clues to where Black Plague is hiding those women.”
Pausing, I think back to the phone conversation and what Levi had said about Drae.
“Keep things close to the chest regarding Black Plague. I’m not sure how Fang knew that Levi was becoming good friends with Roxy, but I’m guessing that she’s the other woman Fang referenced in the phone call. Roxy, Sasha, and Levi have become really close, so she has to be the third woman. Also, we need to keep an eye on things around the clubhouse.”
I fill them in on everything Levi had told us about Drae and the missing food.
“Do you think he could be a mole, Pres?” Bones asks and I frown.
“I don’t know, but we need to be careful about what we say outside this room pertaining to club business. We should also see if there’s anyone else that would like to prospect. If Drae is a mole, then that only leaves us with Alexei and Colt as prospects. With Fang’s threats, we’ll need to take extra safety precautions, especially with the women. Remember, no one rides alone. Always pair up.”
Timber gives me a chin lift, indicating he had something to say.
“Pres, both Travis and Ethan have voiced that they’d like to prospect for us. They’ve been living at the clubhouse since these threats started and have learned a lot about the club. They want to help protect everyone, especially Levi and Sasha, as they see them like family.”
I nod at the thought of them becoming prospects. They’re good men, and I think they’d do well.
“All in favor of having Travis become a prospect? We need a unanimous vote for this.”
One by one, everyone agreed to have Travis become a prospect.
“Alright, all in favor of having Ethan become a prospect?”
Once again, aye’s rang out around the room.
“Sounds good. Let’s have a gathering tonight and they can get their cuts. Since it’s short notice, let’s see if we can get it catered in rather than having the women making everything. We’ll meet again after we learn more about the houses and what else Smoke can pull up on the group. As well as from cameras around the clubhouse.”
With the meeting adjourned, I’m anxious to find Levi and talk to her. We really need to beg for forgiveness because there was no way in hell I’m going to lose her. Patch finishes patching me up, and I look at Dragon. He gives me a chin lift, and we head out to the main room.
Out in the main room, I look through the pass-through and sigh in relief. Wildcat’s setting out the food as she laughs with Sasha and Roxy. I frown when I realize it’s only the three of them in there. Which bunny was supposed to be on rotation today? Seeing Alexei nearby, I figure he’d know and maybe could gleam a little info about the situation for me. Pulling a chair out next to him, he gives me a tight smile.
Shit. From his tone, he knows something’s up with Levi, but damn if I’m going to talk to him about it.
“Do you know which bunny is supposed to be on the rotation today?”
He snorts and shakes his head. “Pres, only Amy and Sarah help out on their days. The other bunnies sneak in at the last minute and act like they’ve been helping all along. Usually, it’s right when the food is ready, and the guys are already in line. Look, here comes Trixie.”
He points to his laptop, and scooting closer, I angle the laptop so that I can see it better. Sure as shit, Trixie is coming down the hallway and slips into the kitchen from the back. The other women are already taking the lids off everything on the counter, and I see Levi scowling at Trixie when she realizes she’s in the kitchen. Rather than confront her, she turns to finish her tasks.
“How long has this been going on?”
Alexei looks a little nervous as he glances up at the kitchen. “Not too long after Levi and Sasha started helping Roxy, so a little over a month. None of those three say anything because they don’t want Trixie, Tiffany, Ginger, or Ashley in there anyway. None of them can cook and they’ve tried having them do simple tasks, but they just bitch and whine the whole time. It’s more of a headache than anything and they can get stuff done quicker without them in there.”
I frown. I’m going to have to talk to Levi about this. If this is true, we need to figure out other tasks that those four could do. They’re supposed to have chores as well as being there for the men when they wanted them to be able to live here with free room and board. Not to mention, they get a small wage for spending money. If they aren’t pulling their weight, they’ll be gone. Clapping Alexei on the shoulder, I stood.
“Thanks, brother. I’ll talk to Levi about it and get her take on it.”
He nods, but still seems on edge. Heading toward the kitchen, I notice Levi’s fixing herself a plate. Dragon steps up beside me and we both head over toward her. She turns around and stops when she saw us. Her jaw tenses and she pivots to go around us. I quickly catch up to her and place a hand on her shoulder.
“Can we sit with you, Wildcat? We’d like to talk and apologize.”
The hardness in her eyes softens slightly as her gaze darts between us, but her body is still tense. “Fine. Get a plate and we’ll talk.”
Nodding, we get in line and quickly make up our plates. Honestly, I’m not even paying attention to the food I pile on my plate with how nervous I am. Grabbing a mug of coffee, I head over to the table she’s at, but it doesn’t escape my notice that she picked one that’s a bit further away from the others.