Page 60 of Thor & Dragon
“When she asked why Sean wasn’t with them at the hospital, they said he had to go away for work and that he’d be gone for a while. She was sad, but didn’t ask much about it. I’m not sure if she ever inquired about him after that. Sean got twenty years in prison for it, plus all the child pornography he had at his house.”
He looks up at everyone before looking at Dragon and then settling his gaze on me.
“Roy got notification yesterday that he’s getting out in about two weeks. Apparently, a few years were shaved off because of ‘good behavior’. He was going to come over this weekend to talk to Levi about it.”
“Fuck,” Dragon and I say at the same time, and Bear nods. After a few minutes, Smoke speaks up.
“But that doesn’t explain how she got promised to Fang.”
Drae clears his throat, and all heads turn back to him.
“I don’t know what he was in for, but from what I’ve heard, Fang met Sean in prison. He had a short five-year stint but got out in two for good behavior.” Drae snorts and shakes his head. “I bet his dear old Dad paid someone off to get him out early. Anyway, a friend of mine that is still, reluctantly, in the club called me after overhearing a conversation about Levi. Fang had repeatedly bragged about having me under his thumb, but that soon he would have Levi in his arms again. He figured that I would know where she was since Fang said our names a lot over the phone and wanted to give me a heads up.
“Fang said he’d help her uncle again and that the two of them were going to make Levi pay for getting him sent to prison for twenty years and for leading Fang on and refusing to give him what he wanted. Fang still wants his payment for his help. He was promised her virginity again. Sean only asked that he get a couple of rounds with her when he got out. Fang didn’t care as long as he got to keep Levi for himself.
“Sean knew what Fang liked to do with women from the short stint that they were in prison together and was actually looking forward to the pain Levi’d be suffering. I don’t know about the first plan that happened years ago that was mentioned, but Fang referenced it and was pissed you guys rescued her. Pissed that you guys beat him and their brothers’ asses before leaving them to die. This time around, they plan to be even more aggressive with her.”
“You said your friend is still reluctantly with Black Plague. Why is that?”
Drae scoffs. “He, Dogg, was born into it too. His old man forced him to prospect. He’s got an Old Lady and she’s pregnant. Honestly, the only thing that’s probably keeping others from going after his woman is the baby, otherwise, they’d probably take their piece of her even if she is his Old Lady.”
Locking eyes with Dragon, I know he’s feeling the same anger and rage that I am. Stamping it down, I take a deep breath. I had to keep my head and find out whatever else Drae knows. Then we can make a plan. Maybe this Dogg guy might be willing to help us?
“Was there anything else that you told Fang?”
Drae shakes his head. “No. He was already familiar with your patrol rotations from his cameras, he said, but if any changes came up, I was supposed to notify him. Same for if there are any changes in Levi’s and the girls’ routines. He wants Levi for when Sean gets out of prison. He’s gonna have Korso, I mean his brother Vince, go and pick Sean up from prison and then take him to wherever they plan to hold the women. And before you ask, he hasn’t told me where that would be. I was supposed to get the girls to him, otherwise he’d tell his buyer that he’d soon have my daughter in his possession and that he’d be enjoying Jane before selling her off.”
Drae hangs his head. I’m pissed as fuck with him, but still wish he’d have come to us when this whole thing started.
“You’re not getting out of a beating, Drae. No if ands or buts about it.” I pause, and he nods weakly, most likely already suspecting it. “You will help us get Fang as well as feeding him the information that we want him to have. Nothing else. I want to know as soon as you hear from him going forward. If he starts getting suspicious due to the camera feeds, we’ll make something up that you’re helping us with. I’m adding on an additional six months that you’ll prospect for and if you don’t fuck up, we’ll take a vote about patching you in.”
He looks up at me in shock, his mouth hanging open.
“Y-you mean there’s still a chance I can patch in?”
“While you should have come to me about this the instant this whole fucking shitshow started, we don’t condone hurting women or children. And while I’m pissed as fuck at you, you’re also lucky as fuck that nothing has happened to Levi or the other women here.” I pause as I let him see the beast caged inside me. There’s a fucking reason why I have my road name. “If anything had happened to Wildcat, or the other women, we’d be having averydifferent conversation where you’d get a front row seat to how I deal out punishment to those who would hurt my family. Not to mention, you’d also be getting a front row seat to how Dragon deals out his own form of punishment before you’d be taking a dirt nap.”
Drae visibly swallows hard as his gaze bounces between us.
“Or mine. Levi’s my little ninja, but now she’s our Queen and you don’t mess with an MC’s Queen,” Bear’s ominous voice sounds from behind me. Then, I’m reminded once again of our brotherhood as each of my brother’s make their own pledges to protect my Wildcat, our Queen.
“Yes, I’ll do whatever you ask,” he says as he nods frantically. Fuck, I hope we aren’t opening a huge can of worms with this mess.
“Do you have a picture of Carolina?” Smoke asks.
“Yeah, it’s in my wallet.”
I motion for Dragon to let him up and he fishes it out of Drae’s pocket, tossing it to me. “Flip up the flap and that’s CJ. Well, that’s the last picture I have of her, that is.”
I pull it out and take a good look at it. She’s beautiful. Long blond hair, blue eyes, and a curvy figure. But there’s something about her face that’s familiar. I just can’t put my finger on it. I hand it to Smoke, and he takes a picture of it, the same confusion soon crossing his face as mine. This woman’s familiar to us. But how? Slipping the picture back into place, I set the wallet down on the table.
Nodding to Dragon and Ryder, they untie his arms, and he rubs his wrists where the ropes have left a bit of a visible burn. He moves the chair out of the way and then turns back toward us. Taking his shirt off, he tosses it on the chair before squaring his shoulders and shaking out his limbs.
I smirk at him and nod. Kid has guts. But he also knows the rules. Everyone gets in a punch and he has to stay standing. As the President, the first shot’s mine. I’m about to strike when a thought hits me. The cameras.
“No dick shots as usual, but keep it to where he can cover the bruises with clothing until they heal. Can’t help the ones on his face already, but we don’t want the cameras tipping Black Plague off that we’re onto Drae.”
Grunts sound in response and I land a blow to his side. Stepping back, the rest all take their shot. I notice Smokes’ fingers flying across his keyboard and it looks like he was already checking the camera feeds. When his turn comes, he lands a blow to Drae’s gut and immediately goes back to his keyboard, a smirk on his face, which then turns into a scowl.