Page 66 of Thor & Dragon
“Korso,” we both say in unison.
“Explain,” Thor says, his jaw ticking in anger, and I nod.
“Anyone of the Black family that are in the club, get that tattoo when they patch in, as well as the club logo, though the logos usually on their back. ‘B.P.’ is for Black Plague and ‘K.B.’ is Korso Black. Drae and I are the only Black’s that didn’t get the tattoos. Then again, I don’t know if Dad made Mom get one.”
Drae sighs and nods, his fists clenching in front of him. “She did. Dad forced her to get it when he had his property mark inked on her. She didn’t want to get them because she’s terrified of needles. Dad and Uncle Boar strapped her down on the table so that Rabbit could do the ink.” Looking at the image again, he shakes his head. “What I don’t get is why would Black Plague’s Sergeant at Arms be the one to come in and trash Trixie’s room? Why not send someone who isn’t an officer?”
I swallow the bile that’s threatening to rise.
“Because he wanted me. They all do,” I say as I blink back the tears as memories flood me. Looking up, I nod to Thor. “Guess it’s time to tell my story.”
Taking another deep breath, I begin.
“It happened five years ago. I had just turned 22. I hated living at Dad’s house on club grounds, but I needed to save up enough money to make my escape. I just needed one or two more months of wages and I’d have a good stash to get out and make my own way.
“I came home late one night after bartending and was ready to crawl into bed. I didn’t pay too much attention as I came into the house because I was so tired. One of the other girls had called in so we were stretched thin. I closed my bedroom door and before I could even turn on the lights, someone grabbed me from behind, holding their hand tight over my mouth so I couldn’t alert anyone. It was Fang that had a hold of me and Archer, Joker, and Korso were in front of me, grabbing themselves as they leered at me. Fang said he was tired of me being a little cocktease and that he was done waiting. That they all were done waiting.” I pause as a violent shudder runs through me.
“Wait,” Ryder interrupts. “Aren’t they your cousins?”
Swallowing hard, I nod. “Yes, they are. Previously, they’d always try to grope me or press themselves against me if we were in tight spaces. It got to the point where I avoided them as much as possible. I knew I couldn’t go to Dad for help because he’s seen them doing it and didn’t stop them. In fact, he encouraged them. Uncle Boar, too. JD, I mean, Drae stepped in whenever he saw what they were doing and rescued me on a number of occasions. Of course, it always led to them beating him up each time since they were older and stronger than him.”
Drae clenches and unclenches his fists, no doubt remembering what they’d done. I hated that I was bringing up those painful memories for him.
“That night, they gagged me and then dragged me out to an old building on the property. There was another man in there, but I didn’t know who he was at the time. They tied me down to a makeshift bed that was in the middle of the room and the guy walked around me like he was inspecting me. Said that my cousins picked a goodspecimenfor him,” I spit out. Anger courses through me as memories bombard me of what he’d done to me that night and over the years.
“Apparently, my cousins sold me to that man. My virginity. That he could have me, but they also got to take me before he left with me. The man passed them a briefcase and Fang hastily cut off my clothes. The man raped me and then my cousins each took a turn.”
My breathing grows faster as the memories fully come back. The degrading things they said to me and what they did to my virgin body. Tears stream down my face and suddenly I’m picked up and sandwiched in Drae’s arms as I sit on his lap. Black dots dance across my vision. I hear someone calling my name, and then I see Patch kneeling in front of me. Levi’s next to him, holding my hand.
“CJ, I need you to focus. Take a deep breath and try to let it out slowly. If you don’t control your breathing, you’re going to pass out again, honey.”
I nod and try to do what he says. After a few minutes, I’m able to get my breathing under control. I nod again, and he smiles, squeezing my knee before pulling out a chair and sitting nearby. Most likely incase this happens again. My cheeks heat in embarrassment.
“Hey, none of that now, CJ. That was a completely understandable reaction to remembering what they did to you. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Levi says as she squeezes my hand. “We’re all here for you. You don’t have to give every detail, but what you can tell us might be able to fill in the gaps and help us capture these assholes.”
Nodding, I take a deep breath.
“After they were done, they told the man how to get off the club property without alerting the rest of the club. That we had to be gone before 2 am because that’s when my dad was due back, and it was also when the patrols were going to be switching out.”
I feel Drae tensing underneath me, and I look up in confusion, only to shrink back at the look of anger on his face.
“Drae? What’s wrong?” When he doesn’t answer, I try again. “JD? You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”
“Please get up, CJ,” he whispers. Levi pulls me into her arms and Drae gets up, pacing as anger practically rolls off him. Hands grab me before Levi and I are pulled quickly behind Patch, as he stands protectively in front of us.
Drae roars in anger, punching his fist through the wall. I break free of Levi’s grasp and dart around toward Drae, but Patch catches me, pulling me close to him. I struggle against him, not flinching as he glares at me. The others get up, standing close by, poised to leap into action if need be. I only stop trying to get out of Patch’s grasp when I hear Drae’s hurt-filled voice speaking softly.
“He knew. The fucker knew what they were going to do to you.” He pauses and turns toward me, tears streaming down his face. “He literally dragged me to go with him that night for the deal. He had to have known that I always stayed up until you got home. If I wasn’t there, then they would be able to do what they wanted.”
I push against Patch again, and this time he lets me go. I run into Drae’s arms, wrapping my arms around his waist, and burying my face in his chest.
“You can’t blame yourself, JD. They would have done it sooner or later unless I had managed to get away. Though, knowing them, I figured they’d probably have Chainsaw looking for me.” I look up at him and know it’ll be a long time before he’s really able to believe that it isn’t his fault.
“But they did, and I wasn’t there to try and stop them. Sanchez had you for years, and I know he did something terrible to you because your face isn’t the same as it used to be. The bone structure’s all wrong.”
I swallow thickly and nod. “It was after I’d tried my last escape. I was free for three days before his men found me. They dragged me back to him and he beat me damn near to a bloody pulp. I honestly thought I was going to die. It wasn’t until his daughter told him that if he wanted to really punish me, he should stop and let my body heal. Then sell me to Creed. Creed was a new associate to Sanchez, but he ran a brothel that I knew I wouldn’t survive if he sent me there. I’d heard almost nightly that Creed’s people cart at least one woman out of there in a body bag because someone went too far.
“Sanchez listened to her. He sent me to the hospital and kept me under guard. After the swelling went down in my face, they did plastic surgery to fix my nose and shattered cheekbones. Also to fix a few areas on my body that had scarred badly. I was in the hospital for months while things healed when Alexis, Sanchez’s daughter, came in with her guards and two men I didn’t recognize. I soon found out one of them was Creed.”