Page 75 of Thor & Dragon
“I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but my family and I all wear the same bracelets. One on each wrist. Now, before you all start declaring that I’m offering some pussy-assed, girly-as-shit bracelet to you all, let me first show you what they do.”
I hear a few chuckles as I sit the bag down on the table, turn around, clasp my hands behind my back, before revealing the hidden blade inside one of the bracelets. When I turn back around, all but three faces are staring at me in surprise. My men and Uncle Bear have shit-eating grins plastered on their faces.
“Damn, I want one of those, but I hope it isn’t as dainty as yours. I’d probably crush it with these hands and then be fucked,” Judge says as his shoulders shake with laughter.
“What made you want to make something like that?” Axe asks and I duck my head as I try to push down the memories that’re bombarding me. Taking a deep breath, I look around the room.
“I’m gonna take a stab, no pun intended, that you guys know about my Uncle Sean?”
Grim nods come from each of the men, and I nod, thankful that I don’t have to repeat what Mom told me had really happened.
“A few months before Mom died, she told me what he’d done and almost did.” I pause as an icy shiver runs down my spine. “I pulled away from my family for a while as I tried to process everything, but soon realized that if anything like that happened again, I wanted to be prepared for it. I had already talked to my friend, Gray, and asked if he could make me some handmade blades that I could hide on my body and easily throw. I reached out to him again and pitched an idea to him. He agreed. We used to compete together and became good friends.”
“Holy shit,” someone whispers, and it takes me a bit before I realize it was Timber who was the one that had spoken. “Gray as in Gray Miller?”
At my nod, Timber seems to practically vibrate in his chair with excitement. I have to bite my cheeks to keep from laughing at the sight of a buff, tattooed biker practically bouncing in his seat like a child at their birthday party.
Still, I’m not surprised he caught on to who Gray was since we often talk about my competitions, but now that I think about it, I don’t think I ever told him who made the knives that I now use.
“Care to clue us in, asshole, before you shoot through the roof?” Tripp says as he clasps Timber on the shoulder.
“Gray Miller is a legend. He’s been making blades his whole life. When he got older, he stopped going to competitions to focus more on just making blades. They are wicked, but also extremely expensive.” He shakes his head in shock and I have to bite the inside of my cheek again to keep from smiling as an idea pops into my head. I think I just figured out what to get Timber when Christmas rolls around. That should give Gray enough time to prepare.
I nod and smile at him. “Well, now you can say you have a Gray Miller blade, Timber, because he makesallof my blades, including these and their sheaths. Not to mention the sleeves Sasha and I wear. Once he delivers these blades, I make the bracelets for them. And Judge, to answer your question, the knives that we designed for guys are a bit bigger for that very reason than those we designed for women. I hate chunky jewelry myself, so I tried to keep the bulk down. These are designs that Gray and I worked on and before I came here, only nine were made at that time—for me and my family as well as one for him. Uncle Bear tested some of our earlier prototypes for a rough-size template for men.”
I pause as I blink back my tears, thinking about the memory shadowbox I had made after Grandpa passed away, which also holds his bracelets. Taking a deep breath, I shake myself internally as my gaze automatically goes to Uncle Bear’s. He gives me a tight smile, no doubt knowing where my mind went.
“The reason why I had asked to have these made was so that if I was ever restrained again, or anyone in my family for that matter, that we’d be able to cut through our restraints so long as we can reach at least one of the blades. Well, and as long as the restraints aren’t made of metal.
“After being here for a couple of weeks, I reached out to Gray and asked if he’d make blades for Thor and Dragon as well as all of you. A little bit ago, I gave Thor and Dragon theirs. I didn’t ask for any for the bunnies, though just so you know I do have a set for Roxy because we’ve become very close, and plus, I don’t consider her a real bunny. Also, until today, there were only two other bunnies that I could barely stand to be around. To be honest, I’m still a little wary, but time will tell on that subject. I don’t know if we should give sets to the rest of the bunnies or not. I’ll leave that decision up to all of you. Same for the prospects, but just remember that Alexei already has a set. And since they are living here for now, I should probably tell you that both Travis and Ethan have these, too.
“I won’t take any offense if someone doesn’t want one and if you do, but there isn’t a band that fits you, I can get that rectified fairly quickly.” I pause as I start to pull out the bracelets and lay them on the front table. Almost immediately, the sound of chairs scraping on the wood floor can be heard as each one of them rise and came up to pick out their bracelets.
A chuckle escapes me as a few of them eagerly unsheathe the blades and are taking a closer look at them. Thor steps up beside me and drapes an arm over my shoulder, pulling me close to him.
“Thank you for thinking of them, Wildcat.” He leans down and gives me a chaste kiss.
“Of course, hun. They’re my family and I wanted to do something that might be able to help them if anyone’s ever able to pull a fast one on us.”
The room once again goes silent, and I turn back toward the guys in surprise before they erupt in cheers. Seeing all the guys excited for the bracelets’ cements in another thought that Gray had mentioned when he delivered them. But I’d need to talk to Thor and maybe Phoenix about that first.
In the end, no one needed a different band, since I had purposely ordered extra for that very reason and made bands of varying lengths based on rough calculations from looking at everyone’s wrists. The rest I’ll ask Thor to lock up in his office for when another brother patches in or if another Old Lady is welcomed into the fold.
“Hey, kiddo. What do you use to make the bracelet bands?”
I turned toward Smoke, surprised by how closely he was inspecting the band.
“A smaller paracord that also has a lot of metal wires on the inside. I didn’t want them to be easily cut off. I went with the smaller cord so that they wouldn’t be as bulky as the larger paracord would be. However, if you would like the larger paracord, I could easily make one up for you.”
“How would you feel about letting me watch you make one sometime? I’ve also been toying with an idea of how to get an extra type of tracking device for us in case we’re captured, and they take our cuts. If it’s possible, I’d like to see if you could add them to your designs.”
I pause as I think through what he was suggesting. I could possibly do a wraparound design that might possibly secure the device to the cord, but then I pause as the rest of what he said catches up to me. There are devices in their cuts? Does that mean there’s one in mine too?
“And since I can guess where your mind just went, yes, there are a couple of trackers in your property cut. I’m gonna guess Thor and Dragon were planning on telling you tonight.”
I shake my head and smile. “That’s not a problem, Smoke, and it actually helps ease one of my worries. As for the bracelet, yes, I can make one as you watch, and I was toying with the idea of doing a wraparound design that we could secure the tracker inside, but I’ve never made one like that before. I don’t know how bulky that would make the bracelet. However, if that idea doesn’t work, maybe we could talk to Gray. Take a trip up to his shop and see if there are any other options we could discuss.”
“Road trip! I vote road trip!” Timber excitedly cries out, which has everyone laughing at him again. That man is such a goofball sometimes.