Page 80 of Thor & Dragon
Once again, a smile lights her face before it turns mischievous.
“So… I can call you a little shit if you’re acting up and call you out on stuff,” she says as she giggles, which turns even louder when I start tickling her.
“Little smartass. Just remember who’s older in this relationship.”
“Yup, just tell me when you need me to get the walker for you,bigbrother.”
Immediately, she darts off my lap, but she isn’t quick enough. I pull her back and tickle her some more. Something I always used to do with Nikki, my little sister by blood. Which reminds me…
“Hey, sometime I’d like to take you to meet my sister, Nikki. My parents died a few years ago, so other than her and my niece, well and now you, they’re the only other family I have besides the club.”
“I’d like that… But, do you think she’ll be mad that you claimed someone else as your sister?” Her body tenses slightly and I shake my head as I push a lock of hair behind her ear.
“No, she’ll be fucking ecstatic to have another sister, as well as someone else to gang up on me with.” Levi chuckles and I feel her relax into my hug.
“Let us know when and we’ll come over. I want her to meet Thor and Dragon, too. Well, actually you should talk to them about what they want you to call them when we’re in a private setting.”
“I’ll do that. But I think there’s something else I’d like to ask you since Thor and Dragon stepped out.”
She pauses and nods as sits up and leans back so she can look at me better.
“Did you get sick after caring for me a couple of weeks after you came here?”
She pauses, and then her brow wrinkles as she thinks. “Yeah. I had to go in and get some antibiotics because my head cold led to an ear infection. Why?” She tilts her head as she looks at me, and I realize she has no idea.
I shift slightly to pull out my phone and ask Patch to stop by the office, along with asking Thor and Dragon to come back.
“Jax, you’re really making me nervous. Why were you asking that—”
She’s interrupted by the door opening as everyone enters, though Patch looks excited as fuck. I just hope he shuts up and lets me talk first. Thor shuts the door.
“The reason why I asked if you got sick was that you’ve seemed different lately. You’re eating more, and I’ve noticed you seem almost nauseous at times before reaching for some fruit or crackers. You’ve also seriously cut back on your coffee, and sometimes you wrinkle your nose as you try to drink the one cup you’ve been drinking. Plus, you’ve seemed more emotional lately, not in a bad way,” I quickly added when her shocked look turns into a glare. “It’s just that things seem to trigger you quicker than before.”
I pause to let her think about what I said, though I’m sure I’ll pay for the emotional comment later, and then see her nodding in confirmation, eventually.
“It’s just, I noticed those things before… With Lillian. Before she found out she was pregnant.”
Silence meets my words as I look between Levi, Thor, and Dragon. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Patch nod as he pulls a box of tests from inside his cut.
“Actually, Levi, I was going to talk to you as well. I’d noticed the same things Smoke just mentioned. You could be pregnant.”
Holy shit!
Both Patch and Jax think I might be pregnant? My hands automatically go to my stomach. Yeah, I had to get antibiotics, but then again…
We didn’t use condoms when we started having sex again after I got better.
Oh, fuck!
Are they ready to be fathers? I look up at Thor and Dragon’s shocked faces.
“I-I’m sorry! I completely forgot that antibiotics could mess with my pill. I didn’t—”
My words are cut off when Thor pulls me up off Jax’s lap and kisses me. Fuck, my toes are curling at his kiss, making me want to run back to the house. Or kick everyone but Dragon out of here, but Dad’s still here. Nope, not going to do that.
After a moment, Thor pulls back, and then Dragon’s kissing me just as deeply. We both moan, and then I hear Jax groaning behind me.