Page 38 of Timber
“Get those thoughts out of your head, Mae. This is his fuckup, not yours.”
I startle at Sasha’s voice. While I may not agree with her, I nod anyway and follow her to the house Timber pointed out was his earlier. As we walk up to it, I take in the blue and white two-story craftsman style house with a wrap-around porch. Off to the side is a three-stall garage with the same color scheme. It must be Timber’s as well.
Looking back at the house, it’s absolutely gorgeous. If I ever had the means to be able to pick a house to build from scratch, it would have been a craftsman style house like his. I’ve always loved the columns, hand-crafted wood features and exposed beams in a house. There’s been numerous times I flipped through house magazines at the library, dreaming of what my future would look like if I had the means to better myself. Each time, I came back to the craftsman style as my favorite.
Shaking off my thoughts, I climb the steps and follow Sasha inside after she unlocks the door.
Thank fuck I followed not too long after Sunshine and Sasha. When I hear Sunshine damn near running to my room and shutting the door, I tighten my grip on Smoke’s shirt. Lifting him a little higher, I shake him and slam him against the wall. Not hard enough to get a concussion, but enough to rattle him and know I mean business.
“Get the fuck off me, Timber,” he growls as he claws at my hand.
“Why? So you can go and do fuck knows what to my woman? Your daughter?”
He scowls as he continues to try and get free, clawing at my hand. “She is no daughter of mine. My daughter died twenty-one years ago. All she is, is a carbon copy of Lillian. A deceitful and manipulative fucking junkie whore.”
I see red and a second later, my fist collides with his jaw.
“Office! Now!” Thor bellows.
Releasing my hold on Smoke’s shirt, I immediately clamp down on his shoulder and half frog-march, half drag him with me into Thor’s office.
Dragon follows me in.
Just fucking peachy. Is he going to start in on Sunshine, too?
Shoving Smoke toward the couch, I pace as I run a hand over my face. A grunt draws my attention back to Smoke. He’s so fucking drunk that he stumbles and damn near falls onto the floor, but I don’t help him. I’m so fucking pissed at him.
Quiet talking draws my gaze to the door. Thor’s talking to Levi in hushed tones, and I have a feeling it’s about Sunshine. Levi nods at him, and then does the same to me before leaving. Thor turns around and gives me a chin lift. My shoulders relax. They’ll watch after my sunshine for me and will make sure she’s alright until I can get to her.
Thor shuts the door and as he walks to his desk, he transitions from loving husband to that of an MC President in the blink of an eye. He looks down at Smoke, his lip curling slightly as he sits behind his desk. “Care to explain why you two were going at each other in the hallway?”
“I’m sick and fucking tired of how this asshole’s been treating Mae all afternoon. This is the second time he’s got up in her face and at least this time I was there to stop most of it. Good thing too, cause he was about to try and force Sasha out of the way to get to Mae. Who knows what he would have tried to do to get to her.”
I scowl at that thought. I never thought he would have been one to put a hand on a woman, but I honestly think he’s too drunk to even make heads or tails of anything.
Thor roars and slams his fist down on the table. “Smoke, you’re confined to your room to sleep off whatever the fuck you’ve been drinking. The only reason why you’re getting this slight leniency is I know your backstory. Tomorrow when you’re sober, we’ll be having a long chat, you and I. We do not put our hands on a woman like that.”
Thankfully, Smoke just nods instead of putting up a fight, but I don’t know if he actually heard Thor or if he’s about to pass out. Thor gives Dragon a chin lift and he opens the door. Ethan and Drae enter.
“Escort Smoke to his room and make sure he stays there.”
They both give him a chin lift and hoist Smoke up off the couch. When they’re gone, Dragon shuts the door again.
Thor keeps his attention on Dragon, his scowl still in place. “And as for you, I never want to hear you spewing the shit you said earlier. It’s true we don’t know much about Mae, but you don’t go judging people based on someone’s drunken rant and not knowing if what was said was true or not. I expect you to make things right with Mae and Timber. Not to mention our Old Lady.”
Dragon’s eyes darken at mentioning Levi. He gives him and me a curt nod, but otherwise doesn’t say anything.
“Now, get out of here. I need to talk to Timber.”
Once again, Dragon gives him a chin lift. His gaze hesitates on me, indecision warring on his face. My scowl deepens, still not able to believe that he trusted the shit that came out of Smoke’s mouth and for accusing me of what he did. Especially after knowing me for so long. His shoulders slump a bit and he leaves, slamming the door on the way out.
Thor stares at the door for a bit before shaking his head and turning to me. “Wildcat told me a little about what happened before the competition, but I’d like to hear it from you.”
I fill him in on everything that was said. His face darkens the more I talk, his hands fisting repeatedly. The thunderclouds brewing in his eyes mean he’s probably going to be having a little ‘chat’ with Dragon later.
And by chat, I mean his fists will be doing the talking.
There are a couple reasons why he’s named Thor. One, his weapon of choice during interrogations, is a fucking hammer that looks a lot like what you’d imagine the old God Thor wielding. The other being the man’s fists are almost as strong as the fucking hammer. If he lets loose on you, you’ll be sporting bruises for weeks.