Page 24 of Never Mine to Hold
To be the first to claim her?
The simple answer is that I can’t.
It’s not a question in my head.
Fallyn DiMarco belongs to me.
She’s always belonged to me.
Whether she understands it or not.
That decision was taken out of my hands the moment I was old enough to understand the gravity of it.
After all these years, I’ve finally cracked open the lines of communication. It doesn’t matter if she hates my fucking guts. There’s no way I can retreat or give up now. Even though nothing between us will ever be the same, and she’ll never smile at me without a care in the world, I have to push forward.
Decision made, I pop open the door and slip from the vehicle before trailing after her to the red brick building. Slap Shotz is flanked on one side by a restaurant and on the other by a thin alleyway.
I push through the door into the dimness of the room. The place is long and narrow. There’s a guy sitting at the bar, nursing a beer, who lifts his chin in silent acknowledgment before his gaze returns to one of half a dozen high-def televisions that are mounted to the wall.
My gaze roams over the empty stools until it lands on Fallyn. Sully stands behind the smooth stretch of wood with his elbows resting against the surface. He’s yammering on about something, his voice booming in the quiet that surrounds them. Once my attention locks on the dark-haired girl, looking away becomes impossible. Her expression has softened, and her lips are tipped upward at the corners. She’s like the sun, and I just want to soak in her warmth even though none of it is directed my way.
Sully glances at me before straightening to his full height and beaming in my direction. “Yo, Wolf! Good to see you. Is there something I can help you with?”
My gaze slices to Fallyn. Any trace of a smile has disappeared from her expression. The glare is back full force.
I nod toward her. “I drove Fallyn here for her interview.”
Sully’s gaze flickers back to the girl who has never been far from my thoughts. “You mentioned Madden and Britt, but I didn’t realize you knew Wolf as well.”
Before she can tell him otherwise, I beat her to the punch. “We grew up together.”
The older man crosses his arms over his chest as his smile widens. “Is that so?”
When he glances at Fallyn, she flattens her lips and jerks her head into a tight nod.
“So, I’d imagine you wouldn’t have a problem vouching for her?” he presses.
“Yeah. She’ll do a good job bartending.” I have no idea if she can mix a drink or not. After almost five years of silence, I realize that I don’t know Fallyn the way I once did.
“Oh, I’m hiring her as a waitress. Zoey quit last week. She walked out during the middle of her shift and never came back.” He shakes his head as the smile fades. “The girl couldn’t have picked a worse night to flake. So, I need someone dependable. It can get pretty crazy after the games and on the weekends.”
Fallyn nods as she straightens her slender shoulders. “It won’t be a problem.”
My brows draw together. I can just imagine her moving through the thick crowd, taking orders from drunk assholes.
No…I don’t like the sound of that at all. I’d much rather have her working behind the bar where no one can get their hands on her. It’s bad enough that they’ll have to converse with her.
Can’t say I really want that, either.
Although, one glance at Fallyn tells me that it’s not my decision. Which is exactly why my ass will be here every night she has a shift. Otherwise, all I’ll do is sit at home and wonder what the hell is going on.
Who’s decided to take their life into their own hands by hitting on her.
Or worse…