Page 33 of Never Mine to Hold
Britt was also here for a while before she took off for the night. She doesn’t seem interested in hanging with the hockey players.
And that, I can appreciate.
Reluctantly my gaze returns to Wolf. He’s lounging on a chair with his long legs stretched out in front of him. His eyes are pinned to me even though there are three girls trying to capture his attention. A few of them run their hands over his bulging biceps.
It’s enough to make me grit my teeth in irritation. The urge to swat them away like the pesky flies they are thrums through me.
“Wolf Westerville is such a hottie, don’t you think?”
My gaze stays fastened to him as she whisper-yells the question over the thumping beat of music.
When I remain silent, she continues. “He’s definitely the strong and silent type. And broody. God, but I love a broody man.”
My attention slices to her.
She has a thing for Wolf?
I mean, duh…I’m sure she does. Most of these girls do.
And why wouldn’t they?
As much as I hate to admit it, he’s even more attractive than when he was in high school.
And she’s right, the man is broody. He gives off a don’t fuck with me vibe. Which only makes him even more attractive to the fairer sex. It’s like waving around a red, pheromone-soaked cape in front of a horny bunch of bulls.
When we were younger, he wasn’t quite so sullen. He laughed and smiled all the time. At least he did around us. Only now do I realize that all the times I’ve caught sight of him on campus, there’s been an air of seriousness hanging over him. Almost as if he was mentally removed from the people around him.
Even his friends and teammates.
Much like me, he’s no longer the person he once was.
I blink out of those sobering thoughts when a pretty blonde with perky tits strokes her hands over him before pressing closer and whispering something in his ear. That’s all it takes for me to tumble back to high school when he and Miles were sophomores. Even back then, he and my brother drew female attention.
And I hated it.
Hated the way girls flirted with Wolf, clinging to him like unwanted barnacles. It made me pea green with jealousy. One particular time has always stuck with me. About a month before the accident, a girl from school was hanging all over him. I grumbled something under my breath while we were walking to class. Wolf stopped in his tracks, forcing me to do the same. His gaze locked on mine, and he told me that I had nothing to worry about. He never explained exactly what he meant, but in that moment, he didn’t have to. The look in his bottle green depths said it all. Even though they were doing everything they could to draw his attention, he wasn’t giving it to them.
I guess that’s why it hurt so much that he never bothered to visit after the accident.
In the blink of an eye, he vanished from my life.
Not only did I lose my brother that night. I lost Wolf as well.
It was devastating.
The memories disintegrate when I’m jostled from behind. I glance at Erin and find her flirting with Maverick McKinnon, Juliette’s younger brother.
When all of my emotions have been locked down tight, I allow my gaze to return to the boy who used to be my entire world. Even though the same blonde continues to buzz around him like a drunken bee, his attention stays pinned to me. My breath catches when he wraps his fingers around her wrists and gently pries them away before setting her aside. With a pout, she moves on to greener pastures.
I hate that his easy dismissal of the girl is enough to settle something deep inside me like a much-needed balm. It would be so much easier if I felt nothing where he was concerned.
Wolf Westerville is part of my past.
Just like my brother.
And if I can’t have one, I don’t want the other.