Page 57 of Never Mine to Hold
Jealousy roars through my veins, igniting my blood.
Unable to stop myself, I glare at the guy she’s waiting on. He’s leaning toward her, attempting to close the distance between them.
I snort.
Yeah, that’s not going to happen.
Before I realize it, I’m on the move, plowing my way through the sea of students. Hands reach out, patting me on the shoulder, but I don’t bother glancing their way.
How can I?
I’m unable to rip my attention away from Fallyn.
Or the douche who’s under the delusion that his flirting will get him anywhere with this girl.
Move on to greener pastures, dude. Because it isn’t happening here.
The moment I step behind her, my hands settle possessively on the tops of her shoulders before tugging her against my chest. It’s only when she’s in my arms that everything settles inside me, and I can breathe again. Even with the overpowering smell of hops and barley that permeates the air, I’m able to scent the rosemary mint shampoo she used on her hair. It’s the same as it was when we were teenagers, and there’s something calming about it as it slyly wraps around me, cocooning me in familiarity.
The dude attempting to shoot his shot frowns before flicking an irritated look my way. That one second of recognition is all it takes for him to blink and straighten on the chair like someone just shoved a two-by-four up his ass.
It’s the precise reaction I was going for.
“Hey, Wolf. That was one hell of a game!”
“Thanks.” My fingers curl into the skin beneath the black V-neck Slap Shotz T-shirt she’s wearing. I hate how it hugs her body like a second skin, showing off every delectable curve.
Well…maybe that’s not altogether true.
I actually love it. What I hate are all the dickheads who are leering, thinking they have a snowball’s chance in hell of taking her home at the end of the night.
My grip tightens as I force her so close that her ass is nestled against my groin.
When an uncomfortable silence falls over the table, Fallyn clears her throat, attempting to break the awkwardness.
It doesn’t work.
“I’ll be right back with that pitcher of beer.”
My hands drift down her arms and lock around her bicep before she can attempt to get away.
“I need to talk with you,” I whisper against her ear.
A delicate shiver slides through her at my proximity. “Can’t you see that I’m working?”
“It’ll only take a moment.”
Not bothering to wait for a response, I steer her toward a darkened hallway. We pass by the bathrooms before turning the corner where Sully’s office is located. Across from it, there’s a small storage room. Only then do I back her up until her spine hits the wall, and I’m able to cage her in with my bigger body.
I jerk my head toward the bar. “Were those assholes hitting on you?” My voice comes out sounding gruffer than intended.
With a lift of her chin, she straightens to her full height as a spark of anger ignites in her blue depths. “Probably.”
“There’s no probably about it,” I growl. I swallow up the small amount of space that separates us, making it necessary for her to crane her neck in order to hold my gaze. “They shouldn’t be harassing you. You’re there to serve drinks and nothing more. I’ll talk to Sully about it tonight.”
“Please tell me that you’re not serious.” She shakes her head. “There’s no need for you to get involved. Those guys were harmless. They were being friendly and nothing more. If there’s a problem, I’ll talk to Sully about it. I don’t need you to fight my battles. I’m more than capable of doing it myself. I’ve had five years to practice.”
My muscles tense as I inhale a sharp breath. Hurt thrums through me. I hate the reminder that I wasn’t there for her.