Page 7 of Never Mine to Hold
At the moment, nothing seems to be going my way.
In fact, it’s all gone straight down the tubes.
“I’m pretty sure that ship sailed back in high school,” the blonde standing next to her mutters. “Sophomore year, if I’m not mistaken.”
The auburn-haired girl in the midst of a meltdown scowls. “You’re not helping matters.”
Her friend doesn’t seem bothered by the snappish tone and shrugs before inspecting her manicure. “Sorry.”
The woman seated behind the desk commandeers the convo again. “Look, miss…there’s nothing we can do. I would suggest taking out private loans from a bank and getting back to us.”
“That’s not possible,” she grumbles before spinning on her heel and stalking past me. “Thanks for nothing. You’ve totally earned your paycheck today.”
That’s when I’m slammed with the realization that I know her.
Chloe something or other.
We lived on the same dorm floor freshman year.
As the two girls swing into the hallway, I make an impulsive decision to follow them. It’s altogether possible that she was joking around…
But what if she wasn’t?
“Hey, Chloe?”
They stop and turn. Chloe shoots daggers at me before recognition sets in, and her face softens.
“Oh hey, Fallyn.” She jerks her chin toward the student aid office. “I suppose you heard all that?”
“Yeah. You got a little heated in there.”
With a snort, she rolls her eyes. “That woman couldn’t have been more unhelpful if she tried.”
I nod as a rush of sympathy fills me. “It seems like we’re both in the same boat. My, ah, money fell through for this semester, so I’m scrambling to figure out an alternative solution.”
“Same,” she says with a sigh. “Sometimes being a broke-ass college student really sucks.”
My gaze darts away as I clear my throat. “What you said back there…were you being serious?”
When she stares blankly, I mumble, “About selling your virginity.” Heat floods my face as two sets of eyes sharpen on me. “I guess what I’m asking is if that’s really a thing.”
Silence falls over the three of us as Chloe takes a step closer. “Yeah, it’s definitely a thing. People do it all the time. From what I hear, it’s good money.”
“Exactly how good?” The question shoots out of my mouth before I can stop it.
Chloe’s brows rise across her forehead. “Good enough that I wish I hadn’t given mine away for free in my parents’ basement sophomore year of high school. Talk about a complete waste. To make matters worse, it was over before I could blink.”
I drop my voice. “Enough to pay for tuition and still have some left over?”
“Yeah. There are men who will pay stupid money to fuck a virgin.” She shrugs. “It’s so archaic.” Before I can ask anything further, she fires off a question of her own. “Are you even a virgin? Because they can tell, you know? Some guys even require a medical examination as proof before any money exchanges hands.”
Every drop of saliva in my mouth dries at that terrifying thought. “I am.”
“Hmmm.” It’s slowly that she looks me up and down with narrowed eyes. “Well color me surprised.”
My face feels as if it’s been set on fire as I force myself to ask, “Where would I even find a place to handle that kind of transaction?”