Page 80 of Never Mine to Hold
Chapter 27
“We have an interested buyer,” Mom announces. “They just submitted an offer.”
“Really?” Even though I know that selling the house is for the best, I still have mixed feelings. “That’s good news.”
“Yeah, it is.” There’s a sigh. “I just wish that none of this were necessary.”
“I know.”
She drops her voice to more of a hushed whisper. “And your father is still trying to figure out a way to reverse the decision. He’s contacted a few different lawyers and spoken to the board members. I don’t think there’s anything he’s going to be able to do.”
I swing away and stare out the window. “Maybe cutting ties completely with the Westervilles is what needs to happen.”
It should have occurred years ago. Then my father’s anger and rage wouldn’t have continued to simmer. We could have all healed instead of being forever stuck in this purgatory.
“I don’t know, Fallyn. I really don’t.” There’s a pause before she changes the subject. “How’s your job at the diner?”
I wince, knowing that at some point, I’ll have to confess the truth. “Um, it’s good.”
“I realize you’re happy about the loan coming through for the semester, but I wouldn’t have minded if you’d returned home for the spring. It would make all of this a little easier to deal with.”
“I really don’t think that’s the case, Mom. It’s better that you only have to worry about the two of you right now.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
When my phone dings with a text, I pull the cell away from my face to glance at the screen.
I’ll pick you up in ten.
My belly spasms.
“Fallyn? Are you still there?”
“Sorry! I need to get going, Mom. But we’ll talk soon, okay?”
“Sure. Love you, honey.”
“Love you, too.”
I stare at the text from Wolf and contemplate my options. After yesterday, I’m nowhere near ready to see him. There are so many conflicting emotions that war inside me. I have no idea what I want.
Or need.
Although, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the pull I feel for Wolf is even more consuming than when we were younger.
Decision made, I pop my head into Viola’s room. “Hey, would you mind driving me to work?”
She glances at me from where she’s studying at her desk before leaning back and stretching her muscles. Since living together, I see how hard she works to get top grades in school. It also makes me doubly glad I didn’t major in engineering.
Although, it’s not like I was ever in danger of that.
I’ve helped quiz her for a few tests. It’s like staring at a foreign language.
One I never want to learn.
“Sure, I could use a break.”