Page 91 of Never Mine to Hold
That space then turned into an impenetrable fortress impossible to breach.
The first time I mentioned it, I don’t think Fallyn believed me. Or maybe she didn’t want to accept that her parents were capable of lying to her and would deliberately keep us apart.
The last thing I want is for her to have issues with them. Deep down, I realize they were only trying to protect her after the loss of Miles, but I won’t allow the distance to linger any longer. I can’t continue to stand on the outside and watch her.
Fallyn belongs to me.
Hugo and Eleanor won’t like it, but at some point, they’ll have to come to terms with it. Because I refuse to live another day without her by my side.
I won’t.
A heavy silence descends as I press her close.
For the first time in years, it feels like I can breathe again.
That’s what this girl does to me.
Breathes life into my lungs.
I lose track of how long we sit in the restaurant clinging to one another like survivors lost at sea. All I know is that I’ll never get enough of her. I press my lips against the shiny black strands of her hair before inhaling the rosemary and mint scent. She’s like a drug careening through my veins. I just want to snort her up and feel the rush.
A growl of displeasure escapes from me when she wiggles out of my embrace and tips her chin upward to meet my gaze. Everything within me stills as emotion flickers across her features. She’s so damn expressive. One look and I know what she’s thinking.
When so much has changed over the years, it’s a relief to see that some things are still the same. I search her eyes, needing her to work through all the silent questions circling around in her brain so we can finally move forward.
“Ask me, Fallyn. I’m an open book where you’re concerned. I’ll never be anything but truthful with you.”
Color rises in her cheeks as she glances away.
When she remains silent, I urge in lower tones, “Whatever it is, ask me.”
The breath she releases escapes from her lungs like a slow leak. “It’s difficult to believe that you’ve never done anything before.”
I drop my voice, needing her to understand just how much she means to me. Even when she thought I’d moved on. “Your pussy is the only one I’ve tasted. It’s the only one I want.”
But I’ll keep that tidbit to myself for the time being.
She sneaks a peek at the customers that surround us, but none are paying any attention to our conversation.
Her brows rise as she mumbles, “You’ve never had a blowjob?”
I shake my head. “Nope.”
It’s like she can’t wrap her brain around the fact that I have as little experience as she does. While the scar on her chest is what held her back from getting physical, mine was by design.
With a smirk, I shrug. “I’ve jacked off plenty of times.”
Heat gathers in her cheeks as she whispers, “Have you ever thought about me when you, um, do it?”
“Every fucking time,” I growl. “And I’ve read a shit ton of romance novels because I wanted to understand what would feel good for you.” There’s a pause before I add, “How I could give you the most pleasure.”
Arousal sparks to life in her eyes before she glances away and tucks her chin close to her chest.
Unwilling to let her pull away from me—from this—I slip my fingers around her jaw and force her to meet my gaze.
“Don’t do that, angel. Don’t hide. Not when I’ve finally found you.” I search her eyes. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed by what we do alone or together. Just know that I have no regrets about waiting. I want to do everything with you. Only you.”