Page 6 of His First Baby Rodeo
“Don’t say it, then.”
“I’m just making the point that I’m glad something brought you back to this part of the country. This is where you should be, even if you were doing it for the wrong reasons. It’s good that you’re back, and I think you know it.”
“Yeah, I do,” El agreed. “But, Jeff…Texas? Oklahoma is one thing. This is where our family’s ranch is. This is where you are. I can see this being my home. What do I want to go to Texas for?”
“You want to work,” Jeff said. “You want this job. Take it.”
“I will on one condition,” El said.
“Name it.”
“I want you to promise me that if I don’t like it there, I can come back.”
“Hey, of course you can.” Jeff cuffed her shoulder gently. “I’m still your big brother, you know. I’ve always got your back, and you can always come here. No questions asked.”
“I know I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
“Nah, you haven’t.”
“I’ve been here a year and a half.”
“Well, yeah, but it’s your house too. Mom and Dad left it to both of us. And Marilyn feels the same way about that. Even though we’re the ones who are actually living here, she’d never want you to feel as if you weren’t welcome. We want you to consider this house yours as much as it is ours. You shouldn’t feel like a guest here.”
El nodded. She was grateful for what he was saying. At the same time, though, shewasa guest in this house, and she always would be. Their parents had left the place to both of them, that much was true, but Jeff had bought her out of her share so that he could raise his family here. It was his house. That was what they had agreed on. She was grateful to feel so welcomed here, but she would never be able to consider the house hers as much as it was his.
And shehadoverstayed her welcome — she knew that. She’d been here throughout all of Marilyn’s pregnancy, and now that baby Jace had arrived, they needed time to be a family together without her getting in the way.
It was a sign. It was time for her to leave the house and find something else to do with herself. And maybe going to Texas, as unexpected as it was, would be just the thing.
She was glad to know that she would be welcomed back if she needed to come. But for now… “All right,” she agreed. “Texas it is. Tell your friend I’m coming.”
“Well, I sort of already told him,” Jeff admitted.
She groaned. “Of course you did. What if I had said no?”
“I wasn’t about to let you say no!” He laughed. “If you had, I would have kept working on you until I changed your mind. It’s that simple.”
“When do I leave?”
“He’s expecting you tomorrow, so you should leave first thing in the morning. You’re going to have a decent drive ahead of you. I’ll give you the address.”
She set her book down. “I guess I have some packing to do.”
She looked up at him. “Yeah?”
“You know I wouldn’t be pushing you to do this if I didn’t really believe it was the right move for you,” Jeff said. “I think you’re going to be really glad you went. There’s not enough for you to do around here what with us having a full staff. You’ll have lots of hard work at Mac’s place, and I think that’ll help you get your mind off of things.”
“You could be right,” she agreed. “Don’t worry about it, Jeff. I’m sure it’s going to be a good idea. And, hey — thanks for thinking of me for it. You know I appreciate you looking out for me.”
He beamed.
El went up to her room and fished around for the suitcase she had brought with her when she’d come to stay at Jeff’s. She hadn’t realized until now, packing up to leave, how few possessions she had. She had jettisoned most of her things when she’d come to Oklahoma, leaving them behind in the move from Seattle. She’d meant to replace everything as she started her life fresh with Dean, but that had never happened.
She had meant to get back on her feet for so long, but she’d been neglecting her own life.
Jeff was right. She was in a rut, and she needed to get out of it. Maybe this job at Mac Palmer’s ranch really would be just what she needed to bring her back to life.