Page 66 of Demonic Prince
“Why? Who is he?”
“Do you know him?”
“I knowofhim. He must be Scaldric.”
“Scaldric.” I murmur the name. “Why is he here?”
“I don’t know.” He breaks a stick as if he’s snapping a bone, then tosses it into the fire. “Rumors say he’s allied with Queen Dulcamara. It would explain why he flies free over Netherhaven.”
“What would a dragon want with the queen?”
“Again, I don’t know.”
“Does Scaldric have a mate?” The moment after the words leave my mouth, I hate how damnhopefulthey sound.
Rook frowns at me. “He’s alone.”
My stomach somersaults. “That’s why you asked me not to shift into a dragon. You didn’t want Scaldric to see me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I glance at him through the sparks. “Were you trying to keep me all to yourself?”
“Can you blame me?” he deadpans. “We were enemies.”
“And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
“Would you befriendswith Scaldric?”
“Would I fuck him?” I shrug even though my stomach twists. “You can’t give me more than that. I’m looking for a mate.”
“Are you so desperate?”
I bristle at the word. “Stop calling me that. There’s nothing desperate about wanting to find a mate.”
“Why not?”
“He’s dangerous.”
“And you aren’t?”
His shoulders tighten as he flinches. “Again, I apologize for hurting you. That was never my intention. But Scaldric… he may intend otherwise.”
“I know.”
“If he does hurt you…”
“What? You will kill him with your bare hands?” I roll my eyes. “You don’t have to be so protective of me.”
“I offered myself to you.”
“Oh, you wereserious?”
He has the audacity to look wounded. “You are under my protection, until you no longer desire it.”