Page 83 of Demonic Prince
Hexfall? But no, he must mean the castle in Netherhaven. I don’t remember its name.
Nervous anticipation flutters in my stomach like moths. “Why?”
“The sorceress requested our presence.”
I follow him outside the sea cave. My bare feet imprint the wet sand. Moonlight glimmers on the waves. When I stare at the water, I remember the silver of Rook’s skin.
Why can’t I stop thinking of him?
“Time to go,” Scaldric says, breaking the spell of memory.
I curl my toes into the sand. I need to take control of this situation, rather than pretending I’m weaker than him. We’re supposed to be more than that. Mates. And this is not how I want my mate to treat me.
Scaldric’s claws close around my waist, but I shake my head. “I would rather ride you.” Heat creeps into my cheeks. “And I don’t mean that as an innuendo.”
His eyes narrow, though he releases me. “Very well.”
After he lies down, I climb onto his back and curl my fingers around his spikes. He stands and I bend over his neck.
“Hold on,” he says.
He launches himself into flight. His powerful wingbeats pound the air. Icy air steals the warmth from my skin.
We soar over the Silver Sea. The crescent-shaped bay unfurls beneath us along the glittering lights of Netherhaven. Out in the water, a tower soars from an island and pierces the nocturnal sky.
The Forgotten Tower. It must be where Rook’s sister, Lark, is locked away. Only dragonfire can melt that lock.
A shiver passes down my spine. The Forgotten Tower looks like an impenetrable dungeon with iron bars on every window and sheer cliffs below. Though impenetrable might not apply to a dragon who can fly and breathe fire.
Scaldric swoops over the water before tilting his wings and veering toward Netherhaven. On a hill overlooking the city, a castle gleams in white stone. It looks as ornate and delicate as a wedding cake, unlike the functional brutality of the Forgotten Tower. It’s a show of power, signifying the owner’s untouchable status. This must be the castle where Queen Dulcamara holds court.
We dive straight for the castle. The ground rushes up to meet us. I cling to Scaldric’s neck, my eyes stinging from the wind. At the last moment, his wings snap open and kill our speed. He lands with an imposing thud on the road outside the castle gate.
A guard leans over the ramparts and shouts, “Open the gate! The golden dragon has returned!”
Chains rattle as men raise the iron portcullis. Scaldric lies down and peers back at me, clearly waiting for me to dismount. He must be too big to fit through the gate as a dragon. I swing my leg over his shoulders and slide to the ground. My bare feet hit the cold cobblestones.
Despite my fear, I don’t wait for Scaldric. I walk through the castle gate with my head held high. My legs tremble with unspent tension. I’m ready to run away, even though I know running won’t save me.
When I glance back, the golden dragon has already shifted into a man. Naked, Scaldric strides behind me with a confident smirk. A guard tosses him some clothes and he catches them without missing a beat.
I look away so I’m not staring at his nudity. It’s safest to feign disinterest in him. “What’s this place called?”
“Netherhaven Castle.”
“Of course.”
Nerves sharpen my voice. I’ve never been to Netherhaven before. Never been to any city this big before. Quickmire was nothing more than a small village until I burned it to ashes.
“Pyrah.” When Scaldric says my name, my head jerks in his direction. He tugs a pair of trousers over his hips. “Don’t be afraid. You’re safe with me.”
I wish I could believe that, but it doesn’t feel true in the pit of my stomach.
His belt jingles as he buckles it. After shrugging on a shirt, he shakes his tousled hair from his eyes. He smirks again when he notices me watching him dress.
“Come.” He holds out his hand to me. “The sorceress is waiting.”
I decline to take his hand. “Lead the way.”