Page 99 of Demonic Prince
“You expect me to let you fight him alone? What kind of woman do you think I am?”
He gives me a grim smile. “A ferocious one. Let me fight alongside you.”
“Promise not to die.”
The spine of the roof cracks and the golden dragon bursts into the light of day. He unfurls his wings and blocks out the sun above us. Screams break out as people run from the streets.
They trusted him before. Just like I did.
I want to destroy him for hurting me.
The shift bends my bones and armors my skin with red scales. I’m left hard and unyielding. A dragon ready for battle.
With a feral snarl, I launch myself into flight.
Scaldric jumps from the ruined temple and collides with me in midair. He locks talons with me, his clawed feet crushing mine. Wings beating hard, I struggle to break free. He reaches for my neck with his hands.
I breathe fire.
He barely has time to close his eyes. Flames rush from my mouth in a torrent and hit him in the face. He falls back, still gripping me in his talons, and drags us both down.
We crash into the ruined temple, our destroyed wedding beneath us.
Scaldric hits the rubble on his back. I drop onto him. The impact jars his talons just enough for me to break free. My claws skid on the marble while I scramble away.
Charred, his golden scales blackened by fire, he lifts his head. He speaks in a smoke-hoarse voice. “You could have had me as your mate.”
A growl rumbles from low in my throat. “I don’t want you, Scaldric.”
“The incubus deflowered you. Ruined your virginity.”
“You think I’m ruined? Then leave me alone.”
“You spread your legs for a demon. You should have saved yourself for a dragon.”
Rage blooms inside me like an incandescent flower. “You should have run the fuck away when you had the chance.”
From the shadows, Rook leaps with a sword. The blade flashes in the sunlight before it sinks deep into Scaldric’s neck. The golden dragon bellows and thrashes his head, which knocks the demon deeper into the temple.
Rook crashes into a wall and slides down to the ground. He crumples on the marble.
When he doesn’t get up, I scream his name, “Rook!”
I climb over the broken stones to where the demon lies motionless. My heart plummets like a stone in my chest.
Rook’s eyes crack open, still burning like embers. “Fuck. That hurt.”
“Anything broken?”
The sword juts out of Scaldric’s neck. Blood trickles down his throat. He fumbles for the blade until his hand closes around the hilt.
“Go ahead,” Rook says. “Unless you don’t want to bleed out.”
Scaldric bares his teeth. “Silence, demon.”
Grimacing, Rook hauls himself to his feet. He touches his ribs with a shaky exhalation. “Do you want me to kill him?”