Page 26 of Possessive Player
“Isn’t it obvious?”
Everything inside of me screams and tells me to leap over the desk and slap that smug smirk off his face. I know if I do that, it will only make him go to my father with the pictures.
I’m a daddy’s girl. I always have been. And if there’s one thing I wouldn’t be able to bear, it would be the look of disappointment on my dad’s face when he sees the pictures. The only thing worse than that is Carter being cut and having his career come to a premature end because of me. Because of us. I feel caught between the proverbial rock and hard place, and I don’t know how to get out.
“I’m not in the mood to play your fucking games. What. Do. You. Want?”
“I want you to leave Carter and go out with me instead.”
“You don’t want me?—”
“Oh, sorry. Let me be more specific,” he says with a gleeful chuckle. “I want to rub it in Carter’s face that you left him for me. That should throw him off his game.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“Oh, it will. Otherwise, daddy dearest is going to get these pictures. Anonymously, of course.”
“I’ll tell him you sent them.”
He shrugs. “With what proof? Believe me when I tell you my fingerprints are nowhere near this. You’ll never be able to prove it. But even if he did believe you, I’m not going to suffer any consequences. They gave up so much to draft me, the team’s future is tied to me. And I think you know the game and this organization well enough to know that. Your dad can’t and will never cut me.”
I slump back in my chair, his words ringing in my ears. What’s killing me most is I know them to be true. The team did tie its future to Ryder Simmons, and the likelihood of him being cut is probably non-existent. Even if my dad wanted to, I have a feeling he’d be overruled by the brass. Carter doesn’t have that sort of guarantee. Ryder is more devious and underhanded than I ever expected. I underestimated him.
“So, this is how it’s going to work. I’m coming over to your place tonight to take you out for dinner. We’ll take photos, of course, and maybe I’ll post it on social media. Then, you’ll break up with Carter in front of me. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he realizes he’s about to lose his spot and you.”
My eyes sting as they well with tears, but I shake my head, willing them not to fall, not wanting to show Ryder any weakness.
“No,” I say. “I won’t?—”
“Then your boyfriend’s playing days are over. And that will be on you, Cami. More than that, I bet your daddy won’t ever look at you the same way again if he knows you’re fucking his players and are just another helmet bunny,” Ryder says with a laugh. “But you can make the smart decision and save both you and Carter a lot of trouble and a lot of pain. I mean, do you really believe Carter is going to want to be with you when he learns you’re the reason he’s out of the game he loves so much?”
The emotional dam breaks, and I can’t hold back the tears any longer. I shake my head then bury my face in my hands and begin to cry. I sniff loudly and try to rein in the emotions that are battering me and gather my wits about me again. When I feel a little more composed, I raise my eyes and glare at Ryder with nothing but hate and contempt in my gaze. He chuckles again then gets to his feet and heads for the door. He stops though and turns back.
“I’ll see you tonight. Let’s say… eight?” he says. “And make sure you wear something sexy. I like little black dresses.”
Laughing to himself, Ryder walks out of my office and closes the door behind him. I sit at my desk and let the tears fall. I feel trapped in ways I never knew I could be, and I don’t know what to do. If it’s just my reputation and my father’s disappointment in me on the line, that’s one thing. But Carter’s career is at stake as well. And I have no doubt Ryder will make good on his threats if I refuse him.
My stomach roiling, I bury my face in my hands again, fighting the urge to throw up as the tears begin to flow.
With it looking all but certain that I’m going to be QB1 when the season starts, I know I need to put in some extra work. So, after practice broke for the day, I stay late to run film and get deeper into the playbook. This is a new system to me, so I need to make sure I’m in sync with it so we can hit the ground running when the season starts.
Tired but feeling good, I make my way out to the parking lot. The sun is already down, and a cool wind blows as I walk to my car—the only one in the lot. Using my key fob, I unlock the truck when I hear hurried footsteps approaching me from behind. A wide smile crosses my face when I turn and see Cami. That smile drops quickly when I notice her eyes are red and puffy. It’s obvious she’s been crying.
She steps over to me and is about to throw her arms around me but hesitates and looks around, obviously concerned about who might see us. Seeing her that scared and in that much pain sends a lance of agony straight through my heart, and I suddenly don’t care who might see us. I pull Cami to me and wrap my arms around her, gently stroking her hair and trying to calm her. She holds me tightly and just sobs for several long minutes.
Eventually, she regains her composure and takes a step back. She wipes her eyes with the sleeves of her hoodie and lets out a long, shuddering breath.
“What is it?” I ask. “What happened?”
“I’m sorry, Carter. I shouldn’t have hugged you… I shouldn’t even be standing here.”
“There’s nowhere else I want you to be when you’re upset. You’re right where you should be right now—by my side. Now, what’s happened?”
She looks at me for a long moment, trembling and looking completely lost. Cami shakes her head and wipes her eyes again.