Page 12 of Cyclone
Me: I know she told you what happened.
Mom: Yes. But I know there’s something else going on. Tell me?
Me: I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’m fine.
I knew that wouldn’t deter my mother, but I hoped she’d back off for a while. She’d get it out of me eventually -- it wasn’t like I could keep my secret forever -- but I needed some more time. Plus, I had the “conversation” coming up with Cyclone. Talking about this with my mother wasn’t high on my list of things I was just itching to do.
Mom: Baby, if it’s something I can help with, you know I will. Is it Cyclone? I know something happened between you two.
How the fuck did she know that? I’d been very careful sneaking back to my room without anyone seeing me. Unless…
Me: Who ratted me out?
My temper was starting to redline again. Even if someone saw me, it wasn’t their Goddamned business! If it was a club girl, I’d go medieval on her skank ass.
Mom: Zora told me and made me promise not to tell your father. That’s between you, him, and Cyclone. I don’t care about any of that. I only care about you.
That was my mother. She was always so gentle with everyone. She didn’t like confrontation, and was always the one trying to smooth things over.
Me: I’m fine, Mom. I just need some space and time to think. Besides, you know I like road trips.
Mom: I’m here if you need me, sweetie. My first loyalty is to my kids before anyone else. I will always take your side on anything. Your father will too. I hope you know that.
Me: I do. Thanks, Mom. But I promise I’m fine.
Mom: Good. Put the things in your cart and text Zora which app you’re using. She’ll take it from there.
Me: I can buy my own things.
Mom: I know. Since you won’t let me help with anything else, I’m asking you to let me help with this.
That was my mother. I knew from experience she meant every word. I also knew she’d get the whole story out of me sooner than I wanted. Because she was my mom.
An hour later, two of everything I’d ordered arrived. Along with two boxes of the Christmas cakes I loved so much. The regular-size ones. Not the jumbo ones. Because the jumbo ones didn’t taste the same. So, yeah. I knew I was busted all the way around. There was no way Zora hadn’t figured out my secret. Not with the additions to my order.
I groaned, falling to my back on the bed. Though I had at least a day before I had to face my mom and dad, I only had a couple hours to figure out what I was going to say to Cyclone. And I had to say something because by the time we got home, everyone in the stupid club would know what was going on because this shit never stayed quiet. Shit just got real.
Chapter Six
It took me close to four hours to reach the hotel and Willa. Longer than it should have because I took my time. I needed to figure out how I was going to handle this situation without hurting Willa or pissing her off too badly. Her getting angry was fine. It let me know she wasn’t afraid to express herself and that she wasn’t frightened of me. Pissing her off too much would only push her away, and she needed to come home.
If she refused to leave with me, I’d have to get Trucker to come get her, and he’d likely give me my beating here rather than in our home compound. Because, yeah. No matter what happened in the next couple of days, I’d resigned myself to a beating. Which meant my position in the club was going to be called into question because I absolutely would not defend myself, and this club needed strong leaders. Not pussies who wouldn’t fight.
Pulling into the parking lot, I exhaled a long breath. Normally, driving a cage, I’d want to get there and back as quickly as possible. Though I didn’t mind a chilly ride on my bike, I was sure Willa wouldn’t appreciate having to ride behind me. I’d taken an F-150 so she’d be comfortable. I had the feeling there was more to this whole situation than Willa being upset, because I hadn’t sought her out after that one explosive night.
Fuck. Just thinking about the night we’d spent together got me hard as fucking steel. True, there were parts that were hazy and try as I might I didn’t have real clarity, but I’d literally fucked her all night long. The only thing that was completely clear was that it had been fucking blissful.
I sat in the truck for a good fifteen minutes before finally manning up and sending Willa the text I’d promised. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her any worse than she probably already was. What I had to figure out was what had spooked her. Obviously, staying away from her had been a mistake, but how did I get her to tell me why she’d run? More importantly, how did I fix it?
One thing at a time. First, I’d go to her room and check on her. Make sure she was OK. Then I’d get her something to eat if she was hungry. After that, I’d shower and get some rest. Tomorrow, we’d talk. I’d get her to tell me what was going on, then I’d help her fix it. Once she felt better about her situation, we’d head home.
The suite Zora had secured for Willa was on the top floor. Though I’d texted Willa, I still knocked on the door before using my phone to unlock the door and step inside.
“Willa?” She didn’t answer, but her small form moved from the bedroom to the doorway of the living area. She’d piled a metric crap-ton of junk food on the counter by the tiny refrigerator. And I mean she was fucking serious about the junk food.