Page 22 of Cyclone
“What? NO! He’d never hurt me, Mom. I mean, yeah, he was an asshole at first, but not in a mean kind of way. Just a clueless, guy kind of way.”
My mom pursed her lips and I thought she might be trying to hold back a grin at my description.
“Yeah, I could see that. Most men tend to be that way sometimes.”
“It didn’t help that I didn’t cushion the blow. I just… blurted it out.”
That did get a laugh from her. And just like that, the tension inside me eased. I had to tell her the rest because I knew Cyclone would tell Dad and my father would need my mother to keep him from killing Cyclone.
“There’s more, Mom.”
“Yeah. We were both at the party a few weeks ago. That’s when it happened.”
Her gaze turned speculative, and I knew she’d work it out before I had the chance to tell her. “Were you --” She cleared her throat. “Were you drunk, Willa?”
“Yeah. I was. But before you go assuming the worst, he was too. And I got drunk on purpose.” I said it all in a rush, needing to stop the murderous thoughts I could practically see running through her mind.
“You got drunk on purpose.” It wasn’t a question. More like she wasn’t quite sure she could believe I’d done something that stupid.
“Yes.” I took in a deep breath before letting it out. “I wanted to have sex. You know. For the first time. I did it at the club because I knew the men there would be safe, but also because I kind of hoped it would be Cyclone.”
Her expression softened, but just as quickly turned stern. “You know you’ve put your father in a pretty bad position. He’s not going to like this at all.”
“Yes. I know. I didn’t quite think that part all the way through.”
“Have the two of you talked about this?”
“Yes. Well, somewhat. Just enough to know we want to try being together. Assuming Dad doesn’t kill him first.” I muttered that last part, saying it more to myself than my mother.
“That’s a very big ‘if,’ sweetie.” She shook her head just as I heard a very loud, very angry roar in the background.
“What do you fuckin’ mean you got my daughter pregnant?”
My mother winced. “Yeah. A very big ‘if’.”
“Mom, please help me.” The tears were threatening again. “I think I might love him.”
“Honey, I know you love him. At least, you love the idea of him. You have since you were ten.”
My eyes widened. “You knew about that?”
“You’re my daughter. A mother notices things.” She gave me a knowing nod. Then there was more shouting in the background.
“You get your fuckin’ bitch ass back to this clubhouse with my daughter, you bastard! When you do, you better have made your peace with Jesus because the prospects will have your fuckin’ grave dug by the time you get back. We’ll have a nice little ceremony right after I piss on your fuckin’ headstone!”
“Yeah.” I shivered, tears flowing freely now. “A very big ‘if’.”
Chapter Ten
“You get your fuckin’ bitch ass back to this clubhouse with my daughter, you bastard! When you do, you better have made your peace with Jesus because the prospects will have your fuckin’ grave dug by the time you get back. We’ll have a nice little ceremony right after I piss on your fuckin’ headstone!”
To say Trucker was pissed as shit didn’t even come close to what the man was feeling. The odds of my surviving this dropped from near zero to less than zero. Didn’t matter. I wasn’t giving Willa up. If that meant I lived out the rest of my life nutless and drinking my food through a straw, I’d take it. Of course, it kind of sounded like he didn’t plan on letting me live that long. Before I could say anything more, he disconnected the call.
“Well. That could have gone better.” I scrubbed a hand over my face before laying my phone on the table and moving to the connecting door. I was about to knock when Willa opened the door and looked up at me. There were tears on her cheeks and a wave of fury washed through me.