Page 24 of Cyclone
“You know he’s callin’ for your patch, right? Not only does he want you replaced as vice president, but he wants you out of Bones.” Where there had been background noise before, I heard a door close, and all the chatter died down. “He said you took advantage of her when she was drunk. That’s rape, Cyclone. Pure and simple. Not only will that cost you your patch, Trucker would have every right to fuckin’ kill you, and no one in this entire Goddamned compound would lift a fuckin’ finger to help you. Even Dad can’t get you out of that.”
“Trust me when I say he’d have every right and I wouldn’t even try to defend myself.”
“You’re Goddamned right he would! What the fuck, Dan? What the Goddamned fuck?”
“Daniel? Is everything OK?” Willa had walked in on the conversation and no doubt had heard my brother yelling at me.
“Yeah, honey. It’s all good.”
“No, it’s not.” She moved to my side. “I could hear someone all the way in the next room. Is that my dad again?”
“Nah. It’s my brother.”
“Ice? Why is he yelling?”
I sighed. I didn’t want her involved in this conversation. “It’s nothing. Let me wrap this up and we’ll get on the road.
As if I’d flipped a switch, Willa’s face hardened instantly. She held out her hand. “Give me the phone.”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “Much as I appreciate you being upset on my behalf, I’m not givin’ you the phone, honey. I’ll deal with my brother or your father or anyone else I have to. Not you.”
As if I hadn’t just told her no, Willa moved to my side and plucked the phone right outta my fucking hand. With a glare up at me, she put the phone on speaker.
“Ice. This is Willa.”
There was a pause before Ice said anything. “I need to talk to my brother alone, Willa. I’m sorry, but this is club business.”
“Seems like it’s about me, which makes me club business, which means I will have my say. Now what’s the fucking problem?” Oh, that little snippy voice of hers was gonna get her fucked but good. For some odd reason, that particular tone of voice made my cock hard as granite when I knew I shouldn’t encourage her. Any other woman I’d have put in her place, but Willa was right where she needed to be. The old lady of an MC VP.
Again, there was silence before Ice continued. “Uh --” He coughed once. “-- I need to, uh, ask you if --” He cleared his throat. “Well, did Cyclone, uh, you know, take advantage of you when you, uh --” Another throat clear. “I mean, were you drunk when the two of you…” If this had been any other situation I’d be laughing my ass off. Still might. I’d bring this up over and over at family Christmas dinners. It’d be a hoot.
“You mean, did he fuck me without my consent? No. In fact, if anyone took advantage of anyone in that situation it was me. He was so drunk I’m not sure he knew where he was exactly, let alone who I was.” When Ice didn’t say anything -- I really wish he’d FaceTimed us because I’d love to see his expression -- she continued. “I set out at that party to lose my virginity. I had Cyclone in mind, though I’d never have been brave enough to approach him without some liquid courage. So? I got drunk. Landed in his lap. And things took a natural progression. And you know what? It was absolutely glorious.”
After another brief pause, Ice continued in a cheerful voice. “OK, then. ‘Nuff said.” A chuckle I was sure my brother hadn’t meant to let loose sounded over the speaker before he cleared his throat again. “You kids have fun. See you when you get home.” Then he ended the call.
Willa looked up at me, all sweet and innocent. “Was it something I said?”
Chapter Eleven
The trip to the compound was enjoyable. More than enjoyable. I’m not certain I’ve laughed so hard in my entire life. Cyclone and I got to know each other in the four hours it took to get home.
He was actually a pretty nice guy when you got to know him. His gruff exterior was just a façade so the older guys in the club would take him seriously. I appreciated that. I understood it.
We chatted about silly things like what our favorite colors were, what kind of music we liked, and what our favorite movies were. We even talked about our families and our childhoods. Though he mostly knew about mine, I didn’t know anything about his and Ice’s time with the MC that had kidnapped them. Kiss of Death, it was called. I could see now why he was so protective of Suzie and his brothers. Because it wasn’t only Cliff. He was a fierce protector to Gunner and Hannah, Cain and Angel’s biological children. It was clear that he had been through a lot in his life even before he came to Bones.
As we rode, he held my hand firmly in his. It felt nice. Comforting as well as proprietary. I liked feeling like I was his. Because he damned sure was mine. Even the thought had me gripping his hand harder. He chuckled and I shot him a look, lifting my chin.
“Hang on as tight as you want, honey. I’m yours. I’m always gonna be yours.”
“I have a feeling I’m going to have to stake my claim pretty hard in front of the club girls. You’re pretty popular around the clubhouse.” Even saying it hurt, but I was going to get past it. My daddy was one of the biggest badasses in the club. And I was his daughter.
“You do what you need to. I’ve got your back.”
“Same as I have yours.” I met his gaze with a level one of my own.
As we rode, I noticed that Cyclone was constantly stealing glances at me. I couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious, wondering if I had something on my face or if my hair was a mess. But then I realized that he was just looking at me like I was something special. Like he wanted to admire me from afar and not scare me off with his intensity.