Page 5 of Cyclone
Sweet God, we’d had sex!
I wished like anything I could remember it all. The flashes I had were surreal and unbelievable in how good the sex was. I could remember him working my body with a masterful touch, coaxing me into one orgasm after another until he’d simply demanded I come for him. And I had. Oh, how I had. For my first time, Cyclone had certainly made sure I’d had as much pleasure as humanly possible.
Had any other man besides Cyclone been cuddled on top of me when I woke, I’d probably have burst into a fit of giggles. Well. After I’d puked. Cyclone… terrified me. I had no idea why, but I’d seen the intense look he got sometimes. The way he focused on the enemy. Lord knew several of the old ladies had once had enemies. Cyclone had fought those enemies the same as every other member of Bones. The difference between him and everyone else was I got the feeling Cyclone enjoyed the violence.
Unfortunately, he was also the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Sure, he was rugged and all that macho shit men seemed to embrace, but he was as handsome a man as ever I’d seen. Dark blond hair with a slightly darker beard framed his face. Intense hazel eyes seemed to see everything. Before he’d let his beard grow, when he’d kept stubble or shaved his face clean, he’d been obscenely good-looking. With the beard? Yeah. The man was devastating. And every single woman in the club had her eyes set on him. I was way too young to be able to hold my own with a man like him or to even keep his attention for longer than it took to take me to bed. Likely, he’d have forgotten about me by this time tomorrow.
I stumbled to my room. It was still early, and the clubhouse was quiet. Thank God. Doing the walk of shame in Cyclone’s big T-shirt wasn’t something I wanted anyone to witness. The club girls would be all over me and I wasn’t ready for that.
As a rule, families of club members stayed away from the club girls. That prevented problems. While old ladies were generally easygoing and docile, when it came to protecting their claim on their men there wasn’t one of them who couldn’t be as vicious as those men. Even Suzie, Stunner’s woman and Cain’s daughter, and the sweetest person I’d ever met, had taken matters into her own hands when one of the newer club girls had made a play for Stunner after he’d been voted in as sergeant at arms for Bones. It hadn’t been a beating per se, but that one swing of Suzie’s bat had broken both bones in the woman’s forearm. And Suzie had swung that bat with a smile.
So yeah. I wasn’t ready for anyone to know what I’d been up to with Cyclone. Seemed like he wasn’t too keen on anyone seeing me, either, and I didn’t really blame him. I was at least fifteen years his junior, as well as the daughter of his road captain. I seriously doubted he wanted anyone finding out I’d spent the night with him.
I knew I needed to go to the pharmacy, but my head pounded, and my stomach was in knots. All I wanted to do was drink as much Gatorade as I could. Then find and take a bottle and a half of aspirin. Maybe then I’d feel human again.
Chapter Three
Cyclone -- Six Weeks Later
“It’s settled, then,” Ice said with a grin. “Cheetah and Millie are both patched in.” There were congratulations and applause. Both women had huge smiles on their faces. Millie looked up at Shadow, who dropped a kiss to her forehead. “Cheetah, unless you want to pass off the making of colors to someone else now, do your thing.”
“I got this.” Cheetah’s smile was brilliant. The woman was in her mid-to-late-forties now, and very beautiful. As long as she’d been with the club, and as affectionate as she was with everyone -- she really was a hugger -- I’d never seen her with a man -- or woman for that matter -- in any kind of intimate fashion. Sure, Cheetah partied just as hard as everyone in the club, but sex didn’t seem to factor into the equation. “And if Millie manages to talk Venus into patching over, I’ll do her colors in hot pink.” That got a laugh from everyone.
I glanced at my brother, and he gave me a nod and a grin. Yeah. We’d be approving any request from Venus if she decided to come be with her sister. I was glad to get this moving.
“Glad to see you men did this.” Cain came forward to me and Ice. The rest of the club was giving Millie and Cheetah their congratulations, leaving me and Ice, along with a few of the other officers, to speak with Cain. He shook his head once. “Shoulda done it a long time ago. Guess I was too resistant to change.”
“That why you resigned?” Ice had always been more sensitive to our dad’s moods, while I was more in tune with our mother.
Cain shrugged. “Partly, maybe. I am getting too old to try to manage both Bones and ExFil. Since ExFil is what mostly funds everyone here, and most of Salvation’s Bane depends on ExFil for work as well, I decided I could best serve everyone by keeping a hands-on approach to ExFil. Ain’t sellin’ the company, and you boys ain’t quite ready to take that over.”
I snorted. “Ain’t speakin’ for Ice, but I’m not sure I’d ever want to take over ExFil. I love workin’ there, but the bureaucracy involved, especially when we get sent somewhere by the CIA, is more than I like to deal with.”
“Well, that and you suck at bureaucracy.” Ice grinned. “Last job you went on didn’t go so well with the CIA officer in charge.”
Cain actually chuckled. The man rarely showed any kind of affection or preference toward us when dealing with club business, and he’d gotten in my face over that incident. “I love you, son, but you will never be in charge of ExFil.”
I barked out a laugh. “Well, thank God for that. After you pulled the stunt of putting me and Ice in charge of Bones, I was worried. I’d never willingly go against you, but I’d have fought you on that one.”
Ice looked at me, his lips twitching as he fought a grin. “Ditto.”
“Need to talk to you, Cyclone.” Cain jerked his head in the direction of the stairs. “My office.” His mood was still somewhat light, but I could sense a shift. Whatever he needed to talk to me about was serious.
“You mean, my office.” Ice smirked.
Cain scowled. “You’re the president of Bones, you little shit. But the office is still mine.”
Ice chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “Must be why I’m still waiting to move all my shit in.”
“Why don’t you go see to your woman. Give me another grandbaby to spoil.”
“Already on that one, Cain. I’ll have her knocked up before you know it.”
Cain gave a curt nod. “See that you do.” He looked at me and his gaze hardened. “Come with me.”
OK, this was different. I glanced at Ice and his expression was as puzzled as I felt. As I followed Cain down the hall, my gut tightened. Whatever this was about, it was fucking serious.