Page 10 of Mars
“What do you mean Hammer is abusing Scarlet?That can’t be right.”Dom didn’t sound angry, but I knew better.His calm was always icy.Steady.I’d grown up around the man and knew he was positively livid.
“You callin’ her a liar?The vice president’s daughter?”Wylde did the talking while the rest of the Iron Tzars, including Sting, were silent in the background, listening intently.Sting and Brick were shoulder to shoulder standing over the phone Wylde had on speaker.
“I ain’t callin’ her nothin’ cause I got no idea what the fuck’s goin’ on.I know Claw let Hammer take her north to get her away from Grim Road.For a while.”
“I get he wanted to keep her out of danger, but why did he send her with someone who’d hurt her?”Wylde was still trying to play diplomat when I knew his personality was anything but diplomatic.I hated that I’d caused these people so much trouble.Especially when a club like Grim Road was involved.Some of the Tzars might know men from Grim, but they had no idea what they were really dealing with, and I couldn’t tell them because I didn’t really know anything concrete.
“Fuck that,” Brick growled, interrupting Wylde.“If Grim Road allows this kind of treatment to its women, we may need to clean fuckin’ house.”
“You don’t get to threaten us, Brick.Not unless you want a war.”
“And you don’t get to mistreat women in your care!”Brick looked and sounded ready to explode.“Christ, Dom!She’s barely eighteen!Stitches says she’s been beaten repeatedly over a long time.There are bruises in various stages of healing.He’s also pretty sure she’s got a dislocated shoulder.Maybe broken ribs.She says this was Hammer’s doing, though we haven’t had a chance to get the whole story.”
“Scarlet knew all she had to do was call the club if she was in danger.”
“He took my phone,” I said faintly.“I couldn’t call.”
There was a pause.“Scarlet?You good?”
I looked up at Mars and he raised his chin in approval.I guess he liked that I was checking in with him before I answered.And, really, I had no idea why I had.“Be honest with him, honey,” he murmured.“We’ve got your back.”He shook his head like that wasn’t exactly what he wanted to say.He looked like he was fighting off demons in his mind.It made sense.Things that happened before we left the house I shared with Hammer were a little fuzzy, but I thought I remembered Mars having some kind of breakdown.It seemed like my situation had triggered him.Seemed like I wasn’t the only one fighting demons.“I’ve got your back.”
“Yes, Dom.I’m all right now.”
“Crow and Rocket are deep in something they can’t get out of, Scarlet.But I will absolutely send a team for you if you need me to.”
“It’s OK, Dom.I’m good.”
There was a heavy sigh on the other end of the phone.“Do you need me to send Angela?”
Calling and asking for Angela meant I was in trouble.It was a safeguard Grim Road had set up for the very few women and children in their care.Most of the time we stayed in our own compound, separate from the main part of the club.Angela was like a safe word.Asking for Angela meant I was in deep trouble and needed help immediately.
“No.I don’t need Angela.”
Mars looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.I shook my head at him, then lay back against his chest and closed my eyes.
“Good.I’ll get in touch with Claw, but it could be several days before they’re in a place where they can call you.”
“I’m safe, Dom.”I didn’t move my head or open my eyes so my voice was a little muffled, but I thought I got the point across.
“Where’s Hammer?”Dom asked.
At the mention of Hammer’s name, I whimpered and turned my face more fully into Mars’s chest.I didn’t want to talk about the other man.And, honestly, I had no idea if I could trust Dom or not.I didn’t want him knowing any of this in case what Hammer had told me was the truth and he could get to my sisters through someone at the compound.What if my dad really was good with Hammer treating me like this?
“That’s not important at the moment,” Sting interrupted.“You get word to Rocket.Tell him I want to talk with him.Scarlet is safe with us until I do.Even if Hammer comes for her, we’re not letting her go with him.”
“You will if she wants to go.”Dom’s tone of voice said he expected them all to abide by my wishes.I could have told him I had no desire to leave, but I wasn’t sure what the right move was in this situation.
“Not happenin’,” Mars bit out.Sting gave him an exasperated look but didn’t contradict Mars.
“She’s staying with us, in our compound, until Claw comes for her himself.Not before.”Sting crossed his arms over his chest, looking and sounding every inch the Iron Tzars MC president.
“You’d hold her against her will?”
“We will if we believe her will has been compromised.She doesn’t want to go back with Hammer.Nothing she can say at this point will convince me she wants to go back with him.And I have a feeling there’s a reason she hasn’t already run from Hammer before now.So, no.She’s not leaving, even if she tells me she wants to go with him.He’s got a hold on her, and I’m taking that decision out of her hands until I know what the fuck’s goin’ on.”Sting didn’t hesitate in answering.
No one had told Dom exactly what had happened, how they’d found me tonight.I really hoped they’d hold themselves to the promise they’d not let me leave with Hammer because, if he even hinted he’d hurt my sisters, I knew I’d go with him willingly.Eagerly.I’d do anything to protect my sisters.No matter the cost to me.
“I’ll relay your message.”Dom didn’t sound at all happy.I figured he also knew he didn’t have any choice.“I hope to God you know what you’re doing, Sting.Claw ain’t gonna be happy about this.”