Page 12 of Mars
Her skin was mottled with bruises along her belly, sides, and back.I could see reddish-blue areas snaking from her side down her hip to disappear into her pants which meant her hips and thighs were probably the same way.
“That motherfuckin’ bastard…” My growled response got a look from Stitches but he didn’t say anything.Scarlet didn’t say a word.Only ducked her head like she was ashamed.Which wouldn’t do at all.“Hey.”I lifted her chin with my fingers gently.“Look at me, beautiful girl.”When her eyes met mine, I held her gaze for a couple of seconds before I continued.“You don’t duck your head to no one.Not about this.You survived.Hammer’s a big bastard and you’re just a tiny little thing.The fact you’re still alive is more about your strength than his.”
Her brows knit in confusion.“But… I tried to…”
Without thinking I moved in to press my lips to hers.It was only meant to stop her from voicing what she’d done but the second my lips met hers, I knew I was in huge fucking trouble.
Scarlet sucked in a breath but, instead of pushing me away as she should have, instead of being angry I was in her personal space and basically assaulting her, she let out a little sigh and melted into me.
I was all too aware of Stitches being in the room, especially when he put a hand on my shoulder and exerted pressure to pull me back.Normally, I’d have said fuck it and done as I pleased, but I knew Stitches was right.I was way the fuck outta line.
I pulled back but rested my forehead against hers lightly for a moment, trying to get my wits back about me.Unable to help myself, I gave her one more soft, lingering kiss.Then I stepped back and cleared my throat.I held her gaze, though.I wanted to see every expression that crossed her lovely face.If I saw fear, I might kick my own ass.I didn’t.Only a wide-eyed innocence stunned at the intimate contact.She touched her lips lightly with trembling fingers before giving me a tentative smile.
“We know what almost happened,” Stitches said softly.“But it didn’t.”He gave her a tight smile.“Now, let’s finish this so you can rest.”
Stitches probed a couple of the worst bruises with gentle fingers.Scarlet still winced and every time she did, I growled at Stitches.
After the fifth time, he stopped and turned to me, hands on his hips.“Would you shut up?I’m not touchin’ you, you big pussy.”
“No.You’re touchin’ her.And you’re hurting her.Surely to God there’s something else you can do besides poke and prod at every fucking bruise on her body.”
“It’s all right.”Scarlet spoke softly, interrupting our little tiff.“It’s not that bad.I know you’re trying to help.”She looked from Stitches to me and gave me a small, shy smile.
Stitches raised an eyebrow at me.“See?She’s good.”
“Fine,” I grumbled, stepping back and crossing my arms over my chest, watching every move Stitches made.I was in protector mode and couldn’t seem to pull myself out.The last thing I needed to do was have this girl imprinted on me.She didn’t need my overbearing interference, and I didn’t need a woman glued to my side.Because, if Scarlet was the woman, she would definitely be glued to my side.No way I could let her go her own way without my protection.
Not ten seconds later, Stitches used his fingers to touch an area on her lower back and Scarlet sucked in a breath.I growled again.Then to my complete and utter shock, Scarlet giggled.Just once, but it was there.She had her gaze fixed on me before turning back to Stitches, her expression innocent.
Stitches barked out a laugh.“You think he’s funny.”It wasn’t a question.
Instead of verbalizing her answer, Scarlet shook her head before lowering her gaze to her lap.A smile tugged at the corner of her lips before she curled them inward.
I narrowed my gaze at her.“Did she… Did she just… bait me?”
“I think she likes your growly bear side.God only knows why.”Stitches took out his stethoscope, warming the bell between his hands before putting the earpieces in his ears and placing the bell on Scarlet’s chest.“Gotta admit, though.You are rather amusing.”He nodded at Scarlet.“Deep breath in, honey.”
Stitches repeated his instructions several times all the while moving the stethoscope around to different parts of Scarlet’s chest and back.She stiffened a couple of times and once she grunted but immediately looked up at me and shook her head.
When Stitches was done he stood back and looked at her intently.“I think you’ve got a couple broken ribs on that left side, honey.I’d like to do an X-ray just to make sure you don’t have a punctured lung.”
“She ain’t your honey, Stitches.And if we take her to the hospital, they’ll want to know what happened.If we tell them, they bring the cops.If they do that, we can’t kill that son of a bitch Hammer.”
“Regardless of what you think of me, Mars, I’m not a complete dumbass.”Stitches gave me a cheerful smile even when I knew he was aggravated with me.And probably more than a little insulted.“I can get her some images off the books at a friend’s clinic.Broken ribs I can’t do much for other than tell her to rest and give her pain medicine, but if she’s got a pneumothorax, I won’t have a choice but to get her to a hospital.”
“Fuck,” I muttered as I turned away, scrubbing a hand through my beard.“Just…fuck!”
“It’s OK.”Scarlet wrapped her arms around herself.When I sat beside her in a chair next to the exam table, she reached out and put her hand over mine.Immediately, I turned mine over to lace my fingers with hers.When I did, my mind settled and the pressure building inside my chest eased.“I’ve got a fake ID I can use if necessary.I’m sure if you can get hold of my dad.He can help with the money.”
“Honey, we ain’t worried about the money.Iron Tzars can take care of any hospital bill you rack up.If you’ve got a fake ID we’ll get it to Wylde and let him tighten it up.That way it can hold up to scrutiny if necessary.We don’t want the cops being able to find you after the fact.”
“They won’t.”She sounded sure of herself.“Crush is the best at what he does.”
“Crush?”I squeezed her hand, bringing her attention back to me.
“Yeah.He’s… Uh…” She cleared her throat and color rose to her cheeks.“Nothing.”
“If you’re afraid of giving out information you shouldn’t, don’t be.Wylde is on it now.He’ll know everything there is to know about Grim Road before he’s done.”