Page 25 of Mars
That got more than one of the Grim Road men shifting uneasily.It didn’t escape my notice that more than one of them looked Hammer’s way.
“How’s that?”Claw snapped.“She pull your man off her?”He indicated me.“Seems like a little thing to be doin’ something like that.”
“Fuuuuuck…” Wylde groaned and dropped his head.“You done it now, hoss.”
He had barely started speaking when Lemon broke ranks and marched straight up to Claw.He gave her an amused smirk as she approached.
“Motherfucker.”Lemon delivered a kick to Claw’s balls that had him giving a startled yelp before clutching his privates and sinking to his knees.Which gave Lemon the opening she was looking for, apparently, because she snapped out a folding baton and got in three good licks to Hammer -- who stood beside Claw -- before Deacon and Wylde were able to pull her off the man.Rocket snagged the baton from her hand but didn’t otherwise touch her.He did eye her with new respect, though.
“Stand down, Lemon!”Brick snarled.Lemon just hissed at him.
“Why?They’re the ones who put her in Hammer’s tender care!”She put as much contempt into her voice as anyone I’d ever heard.“They’re the ones who abandoned her!”
“Those are some serious accusations, girl.”Rocket gave Lemon his full attention.“You got proof to back it up?”
“I know she’s his daughter,” Lemon pointed to Claw.“And I know Scarlet said he gave her to Hammer, then gave his approval for him to take her away from the safety of her club.And before you say she’s not a member of Grim Road, that don’t matter.I’m not a ‘member’” -- she made air quotes --”of Iron Tzars.But it’s still my club.They have my back and I have theirs.We’re a family!You should be a fuckin’ family!”
The more she spoke, the louder Lemon got.It was clear to everyone she was more than just blustering or being a brat.Lemon was ready to go on a killing rampage and damn the consequences.All for Scarlet.
“Wearea family, girl.”Rocket said softly.He looked down at Claw who was trying to catch his breath.He was still down on one knee, but trying to push up.Just didn’t look like he could quite manage it yet.“Claw did what he did to keep Scarlet safe.He put her in the hands of a trusted member and sent them out of our territory for her safety.”
A couple of things registered.First, Rocket didn’t talk down to Lemon, or scoff at her concern.He spoke to her as an equal who had a right to know Claw’s reasoning.Second, Hammer had either fooled the entire club, or he had an ax to grind specifically with Scarlet.Either way, I doubted Grim Road would give us any trouble when we took Hammer apart.
“What’s your real name, girl?I know it ain’t Lemon.Though, I gotta say, it kinda suits you.”
Lemon gave him a disgusted look.“I could give two shits what you think about my name, you bastard.You’re an asshole in the extreme and I hope you rot in hell.”
Rocket made eye contact with Sting.Our president just shrugged.“Gotta have a strong personality to hang with this group.In Lemon’s case, we try to keep up with her.”
That got the first genuine reaction from Rocket since I’d seen him inside our compound.He chuckled, his gaze going back to Lemon.“Yeah.I can see that.”
“How about we go inside the barn and fill you in on what’s been going on since Lemon met Scarlet.Because that’s all we can attest to.Scarlet can tell you the rest.”Sting tilted his head.“I’m assuming you’ll believe your own daughter, Claw?”
“Bastard,” Claw muttered in a painful grimace.“Of course, I’ll believe Scarlet.All she had to do was call if she was in trouble.”
Lemon, who’d been let go because it seemed like she’d calmed down, lunged for Claw again with a battle cry that would do any Viking proud.She kicked him in the face, since he was still on his knees.This time it was Rocket who pulled her off his vice president.
“Girl, you need to learn when you’re outmatched.”
Rocket had circled her with his muscular arms, pinning hers to her body so she was helpless to strike out at him.He lifted her slight frame off the ground which… was his second mistake.His first was underestimating Lemon enough to get that close to her.Instead of kicking and thrashing as Rocket probably expected, Lemon simply snapped her head back and into Rocket’s nose.Blood squirted from both sides of his face and he gave a sharp grunt, but didn’t drop Lemon.So she did it again.Then one more time for good measure.
“Goddamnit, Lemon,” Wylde sounded weary instead of angry, like this was a scene he’d witnessed repeatedly while he had all but given up trying to tame the feral little hellcat.“What have I told you about bashing the badass MC president of another club?Leave him alone.Bad Lemon!”
Claw looked up at his president.“That one’s rabid.”His voice still sounded strained, but he’d finally managed to get to his feet.He was still bent at the waist and still guarding his nuts.
“Bloody hell,” Rocket muttered, spitting blood from his mouth onto the ground.He pulled a rag from his back pocket and scrubbed over his nose to keep the blood from dripping.I think what surprised me the most was how none of Grim Road retaliated.They’d let us pull Lemon off one of their own the first time and left Rocket to his own this time.It was clear they weren’t into hurting women.Especially if they didn’t deserve it.Didn’t absolve them of what had happened to Scarlet.Just meant they might get to live.Well, except for Hammer.His hours were numbered.
Chapter Eleven
The second everyone headed inside the barn, I let go of Mars to make my way to Lemon.I threw my arms around her and hugged her fiercely.“I can’t thank you enough, Lemon.”I was right at her ear.I knew she’d push me away soon, but I had to let her know how deeply grateful I was for her coming to my defense.“You’re the bravest, most vicious person I’ve ever met and I love you so much!”
Lemon grumbled something but didn’t push me away.She even gave me a hug back, if a bit awkwardly.
When we parted she scowled in the direction of the Grim Road men.“You make sure you tell everyone you come across what a badass I am.It’ll save me the trouble of teaching them.”
I grinned.“You got it.”