Page 4 of Always and Forever
I nudge her with my elbow. “You tell me. You’re the psychic.”
That earns me an eye roll.
Claudette remains quiet while I turn back to the cupboard, rummaging through it. I’ve got all the ingredients out already, but it’s just too much fun teasing her.
When I turn around again, she widens her eyes, tapping her fingers on the counter.
I relent.
“Tiero wants to get married before the end of the year.”
A large grin lights up Claudette’s face, and she fist-pumps the air.
“Ha, I knew I liked him,” she exclaims. “That’s so romantic. He wants to start the new year with you as his wife,” she swoons. “I love it. Looovvvve it!”
For someone who doesn’t want to get married or settle down, her reaction is surprising. But really, I should always expect the unexpected from Claudette.
I can’t help but smile and laugh with her as she pulls me into a hug and twirls us around.
“I love a good wedding.”
Still laughing, I disentangle from her. “I don’t think it can be done though,” I say. “There’s not enough time to organize it.
“Where would we find a minister at such short notice? Let alone get a dress and a suit, a cake, flowers, and a nice venue?
“I want these things. Nobody can pull this off in nine days… eight and a half, really. Especially with Christmas right around the corner.”
“Well, sounds like Tiero is securing the booze. That’s one item ticked off. And as for a minister… I can marry you guys.”
Chapter Three
I drop the measuring cup I just got out of a draw.
“What? But you’re not a minister.”
“No, I’m not. But I hold a license to officiate a marriage.”
I stare at her. What did I just say about expecting the unexpected with this woman?
“You do?” My disbelief is obvious in my voice.
Claudette grins. “Yes, I do.”
“How? Why?” I stammer.
Claudette fills the kettle with water and sets it to boil, undoubtedly to make us a cup of herbal tea. It’s her sign that she’s in a talkative mood. But whenever is she not?
“A few years ago, Miriam had a whirlwind romance and wanted to get married.”
“Really? To a man or a woman?” I ask. Knowing Miriam, it could be either.
Claudette gives me a wink. “A woman by the name of Romy. They met at a flea market, reaching for the same book about mosaics. Sparks flew and well… you can imagine what they spent their time doing. After only three weeks together, they wanted to get married. Miriam is a true romantic at heart and wanted a friend to officiate. So she asked me.”
Oh wow. I’m a little stunned.