Page 109 of Juicy Pickle
“What about my reputation as Mr. Juicy?”
“Rhett, it was a nickname put out by thirsty single women. And maybe a few married ones. Don’t fret about it. There are others.”
“Really? Like who?”
“Like Mike in accounting, the one who wears the tight pants.”
“He does?”
“He’s known as Foot Long. We’re jerks, Rhett. Thirsty jerks. Don’t worry about that.”
“Okay. Forgotten. So I get coaching. Viola gets a second chance. Blake is obviously out, not that he’s returning.” I hesitate. “What about us?”
“I think you should get a different assistant,” I tell him. “I don’t think I can work so closely with you without us scandalizing the staff.”
Her words melt into me. “Done. So we’re okay?”
She smiles. “Of course we’re okay. I didn’t expect you to flip out on me, but geez, we’ve been together on a personal level for less than a week. I don’t expect you to lean on me yet. Give it time.”
“But we’ll get that time.” I kiss the back of her hand. “I want that time.”
She wraps both of her hands around mine. “We’ll get that time. But whatever is going to happen between me and you, we should have some separation between our roles at Dougherty. I’ll help you hire a new assistant.”
“And what will you do?”
“Since this is purely a nepotism role, I’d say go with Sherman’s idea.”
“Sure. VP? Of what department?”
“Currently we only have a VP of operations. I think marketing needs some leadership. Marney isn’t cutting it.”
“So VP of marketing?”
She nods. “Gotten purely based on me banging Mr. Juicy. Everyone will know exactly why I got promoted.”
I laugh. “And you’ll be so good at it, it won’t matter.”
“Exactly.” She wraps her legs around my waist. “And eventually, I’ll have the experience I need to move into the field I always wanted.”
“This sounds like a plan.” I slide my hands under her and pull her close. “And meanwhile, you better pleasure the boss so he’ll keep you as his favorite.”
She taps my nose. “Or maybe, he better pleasure me or I’ll expose his incompetence.”
I bite her finger. “I like this. I like it a lot.”
She wraps her arms around my neck. “You better. Because I have plans for a new office that will need breaking in.”
“Mmm. Order a big fluffy rug.”
She nuzzles her nose against my cheek. “I like your workplace suggestions. Keep them coming.”
Just before my mouth covers hers, I say, “I’ll keepyoucoming.”
One month later