Page 31 of Saving Finley
Colonel Darrington shook his head. “If we knew who it was, the other questions might be a quick answer.” He turned to Darcy. “Can you tell me who it is that is the boss? Is there a name you’ve heard besides Ace?”
“No. I wasn’t allowed in his company, really. Some called him Ace, but I might be wrong about that being his name. It was a while ago. Finley said he was referred to as the Avenger, I think.”
“Yes. We just don’t know if Ace and Avenger are the same person.” Carter paced.
Garrett frowned, his jaw clenched. “It’s clear we underestimated our vulnerability and our exposure. They have been watching us for a while, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.”
“Which means we need to up our security measures,” Callie interjected, her eyes narrowing as she studied Darcy. “Starting with figuring out where Darcy fits into all of this.”
Darcy’s eyes flashed with defiance, and she stepped forward. “I’ve already told you, I want nothing to do with Will, who now likes the name Snake,” her voice bitter in memory, “and his new boss’s plans. I was just trying to survive.” Her voice revealed a hint of hesitancy beneath the steely exterior.
“Maybe,” Callie conceded, her gaze softening slightly. “But we can’t afford to take any chances. We need to verify your story and decide how to proceed.”
“Agreed,” Jac said, nodding. “In the meantime, we’ll keep Darcy under watch until we know more.”
Finley turned to face Darcy, who still stood off in the corner. “They will keep you safe as well as keep the guys and gals happy.”
“Fine,” Darcy muttered, her shoulders sagging in resignation and something else. Was it relief? “Finley, I’m sorry you were hurt. You won’t hurt as much in a few days. Takes about two weeks to breathe without it causing too much pain, though.”
“Thank you, but how...” Finley stopped talking and just shook her head. “Oh. Darcy, I’m so sorry.”
Several sharply inhaled breaths were heard, mostly from the men, but the deep growly sound came from the man closest to Darcy. “Fucking unacceptable.”
Darcy seemed surprised. “It’s fine. Really. I survived.”
“Let this be a lesson for all of us,” Kaden spoke up. “We need to be more vigilant and prepared for anything. We can’tlet our guard down. And everyone needs to have their phone on the company tracker and every woman needs her Keep Safe program and a permanent tracker concealed in her purse or a pendant or something.”
“Especially with Anora and Storm. Becky’s home belly-bakery is in full swing and Mallory’s baby bun almost out of the oven,” Sharlee added, not having put her toddler down this morning, even though he was fed, clean, and fast asleep in her arms. No one could blame her.
Kaden added, his eyes instinctively going to his wife, whose hand was on her belly. Ivy didn’t notice, but Finley did. Interesting. “Our family’s safety is our top priority.”
“Absolutely,” Jessie agreed, holding Mark’s hand tightly. “We’re lucky this time, but we can’t afford any more close calls.”
“Then it’s settled,” Jac said, his gaze sweeping the room, locking onto each member of his team. “We review our security protocols, verify Darcy’s story, and strengthen our defenses. No more underestimating our enemy. The women are on yellow alert, second-level protection. Finley, Anora, Storm, Rebecca, Mallory and Darcy are on level one.” Mallory opened her mouth, and Jac held up his hand. “Whatever you are going to say, forget it. We’re going to talk about security and I would rather you stay here under extra protection.”
Monroe nodded but Mallory said, “No offense, Jac, but they were abducted from right next door.”
Jac didn’t hesitate in his response. “Understood. We are still the best protected. No one is going to be put in a vulnerable position again until we are done with this.”
“Jac, I’d like to volunteer to be on protection detail over Ms. Roberts.”
“That could work. Darcy? You good with that?” asked Jac.
“You’re asking me?”
“I am.”
The woman blushed. She looked at Finley, who hadn’t officially met the Colonel nor gotten his rundown. Fin looked up at Levi, who hadn’t left her side since the rescue, with a silent inquiry. He nodded. She turned to Cash, who also nodded.
“It’s a safe choice, Darcy.”
Darcy answered, “I guess. But no funny business.”
Colonel Darrington nodded solemnly. “Done. You’ll be expected to follow my instructions. They will be to keep you safe, so not a negotiable request. And since we will be spending a lot more time together, call me Ben. In fact, even though I’m known as Colonel, Ben works for all of you.”
A chorus of agreement echoed at his invitation. Finley could feel the renewed sense of determination surge throughout the room. Levi was talking to Cash.
Jac spoke up. “Ryker, in between your own work, I’d appreciate it if you finished the list you were working backward on of the employees that either might have a vendetta or left the company under less-than-optimal circumstances.”