Page 35 of Saving Finley
He had expected Finley to lose respect for him when he didn’t protect them, but she didn’t. He had expected that Cash would think he was ineffectual since he had not gotten their girl to safety, but Cash hadn’t said anything and in fact, had worried about him when he had seen him. Levi had worried about things that didn’t even cross anyone else’s mind. He needed to stop kicking up things that he had no control over and stand in the gap for the things he could control. That included figuring thisshit out and taking care of the threat so they could all go on in peace and safety.
Levi finished in the bathroom, sucked in a cleansing breath and decided today was the first day of taking Finley as his. He was claiming her because his life would be empty without her. He would take up the thinking that Cash had encouraged him to. Yesterday, he had a deep, uncontrollable need to have her with him, belong to him. The trigger that forced him to look at his emotions came when they were in danger and was solidified when he couldn’t find her, and then it was cemented in place when they finally found her. Not in a caveman or me Tarzan, you Jane kind of way, but in a committed, agreeably bonded, you complete me way. Cash had his way, Levi had his, and that was how this whole thing would work.
Cash was the boss of Finley. He cuddled, listened, pampered, and Levi had no doubt he would punish if needed. That was not Levi. It never would be him. He was the negotiator. There is always another way to harmony with him but he was learning that there were some non-negotiable things outside of his work and that didn’t seem as hard to deal with as he’d imagined.
Mark was an unapologetic caveman in a suit. Carter was a loveable protector kind of caveman. Even Jac, when Sharlee let him, had displayed the “I’m in control” publicly. But Finley wouldn’t react well to that, and he wasn’t that man, so he would step back and allow Cash to be front and center when that was needed in the relationship. Both men were protective, watchful, and possessive.
Levi was discovering that he wanted in her life more than he had ever expected to be in anyone’s life, permanently. He had no doubt that Finley would only allow a slow, steady assault, not a sweeping in or an ambush. A slow frontal attack would work best. He was about to deploy his strategy. Cash would have towork out his own attack. Levi smiled to himself. This could be more fun than he had anticipated.
Finley was already in the bed. She learned a lot from being a Marine. Fast showers, shooting a gun, and in her case, instead of working in dangerous situations in-country, she learned about strategizing the attack by clerking for an officer in intelligence. That experience taught her how to avoid trouble. Tonight, Levi had gathered her close and had not let her out of his sight. He nearly went in with her to the shower. She had drawn the line, or rather the curtain.
They’d slept together a handful of times, but as friends with benefits, not as a forever arrangement. He was going to change that as soon as he could.
“Move over Fin.”
“I like this side of the bed. You move to the other side.”
“Finley, I need to be on this side of the bed.”
She turned and asked, “Why?”
“Closer to the door.”
She grunted. “Go around. I don’t need protecting.”
“Finley, one last time, move over.”
Without turning over, she said, “Levi, no.”
He chuckled. “Okay, have it your way.”
The bed suddenly moved, and he shoved it so she was facing the wall and he was facing the door. Finley grumbled.
“What are you doing? This isn’t your room or your furniture.”
“I had to do what I needed to. That works for me.”
She scurried to the other side. “Now I’m on this side.”
Levi chuckled. “In case you didn’t realize, we are both equally able to see the door, but I like you moved. I can spoon you and still see the door. If a bogeyman comes in here, I can either leap out of the bed or roll over to cover you. And not to burst your bubble, but I think that Cash will probably come in on thedoor side and you’ll be sandwiched in.” He shrugged. “King sized bed.”
“Levi, I don’t need protection.”
“Still getting it,” said Cash as he strode into the room. “Everyone else is bedded down for the night. Security complete. Gonna take a shower and I’ll take the outside, baby.”
Finley yawned again and grunted her irritation. Levi grinned to himself. She wasn’t angry, she was playing a part. One Cash had no problems addressing. He walked to the bed. Before she could react, Cash leaned down and kissed Finley solidly on the mouth.
“Now go to sleep before I put some heat in that incredible ass to help you get there.”
“I don’t need help.”
“Typically, I would agree,” said Cash. “But you were just stolen right from under our noses just one day ago, so you’re going to have to get used to the restrictions until we find these fuckers. Be right back.”
Cash smiled arrogantly and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door, but since he was out in a quick five, steam barely had time to escape the room. Cash crawled in beside her and, after another yawn, he leaned down to kiss her in the crook of her neck. She giggled. She actually giggled.
It took a moment for Levi to realize that his girl was fucking giggling. His stoic Finley. He connected with Cash’s grin on the other side of Finley and smiled. She liked that. This was the part he wondered if they could do together and Levi still wasn’t sure but he could support Cash and accept support from Cash without crossing swords which was not going to happen. Ever.
“Just let us do this, Fin. I was scared shitless and I’m still processing what my world would be like without you.” Levi put his engorged cock up against her firm backside and molded himself between her cheeks.