Page 45 of Saving Finley
“And I’ll likely get another before my career is over. I imagined all kinds of scenarios when I came to and discovered you were gone. Then when we found Storm and Darcy, but not you, I was so damned afraid you sacrificed yourself for them. I understand that thinking, but hell, woman, it almost paralyzed me with fear.”
“Cash seemed a little peeved with me as well. But what was I supposed to do?”
“I just can’t fucking lose you.” Yep, he was speaking honestly. His language had gotten rougher.
“Hey, I can take care of myself. I had already screwed up earlier. I wasn’t going to do that again. I had to make it right. Besides, they were not the well-trained type of kidnappers. I think they hire out for easy jobs and who wouldn’t think that a toddler and his nanny wouldn’t be a cinch?” She snapped her fingers.
“Maybe. But from now on, when I say do something, it’s for your own good, with your protection in mind, and you better do it.”
“Fine. You and Cash are going to mother hen me to death. I’ll do the best I can to accommodate you on that. Not.” She grinned and shook her head. “I’ll try to be safer, but you know that I’m not good with bossy men. I like to do the opposite.”
“Do I detect a little brattiness? Good. I was worried this whole event might shut you down.”
“Nah, I’m tougher than that.”
Levi nodded and pulled her in tight for a kiss that started light and developed into the kind of kiss that had begun to not just rev her engine for a little fun but stoke her furnace. It was deeper, more passionate and intimate, and was more delicious than his old kisses. Or maybe she had changed and now felt them more. Being abducted made a person more needy or thankful. Making love with their mouths made her body temperature rage. The groan that his kiss elicited was throaty and full of desire. He ended the kiss slowly.
“I want you so badly,” he whispered, his voice uncharacteristically raspy.
“Can we find a place to relieve this driving need?”
“Not unless you want to be the next porn movie star. Jac has cameras overlapping cameras. Cash might enjoy the voyeurism, but no one else. Tonight, if you aren’t too sore, we will make it happen.” He dropped another kiss on red, swollen lips. “Okay?”
“Yeah. I guess.” She smiled at him. “With or without Cash?”
He shrugged. “If he isn’t working, he can join, but if he is, I’m going to taste, anyway.”
“I like my options. I win, no matter what.”
“If you aren’t too sore and not lying about it, either.” Levi dropped another kiss on her reddened lips. “I know you’re having abduction reenactment nightmares, but have you thought about talking to Jocelyn O’Connor, the therapist friend Jac has on contract to help his people work through issues? I hear from the other women they have gotten lots of support to work through the events in their lives.”
“I don’t know what I would talk about, really.”
“How about the incident itself and, at some point, discuss the new need to bring your gun to walk in this highly secure yard?”
“Not a standard response, huh?”
“It could be, but I’m not the professional that would know that. However, I’m confident, if she were honest, she’d agree with me.”
Finley walked a little further. “Let me think about it.”
“You do that and I’ll get her contact information. Just in case.”
Chapter 15
Cash reached over to draw Finley close as they lay in bed. The days were dragging on and he and Cash had taken turns doing a few off-site jobs to break the monotony. Because they hadn’t found Caleb Rodney and there hadn’t been even a peep out of anyone vaguely identified as associated with him, the team was feeling dead in the water. They’d catch him, but how long would it take?
Finley said. “We women want to go out. How long will we have to wait to enjoy life again?”
“Probably today. Jac had a team meeting, and we all decided it was time to back off. I’m sorry we haven’t finished this yet. However, it doesn’t mean you are free to roam the community alone, but with things as they are, we have a business to keep going.”
“I heard Jac and Sharlee talking about two big jobs they are accepting. I know they hate it, but Jac is practical and so I get it.”
“Right, I do too. Unfortunately for you, though, either Levi or I will always be in the house with you until it is finished.”
“I figured.”
Cash slid his hand down her taut belly and made a beeline for the slickness at the juncture of Finley’s thighs. “I don’t have much time left to play around this morning baby so get up on your hands and knees, present to me that firm ass and spread your gorgeous thighs. I’m going to tease a little before I put my cock in your hot opening and take you hard and fast.”