Page 6 of Saving Finley
“Well, while she was giving chase, I did get a partial plate. Not much to go on, but it’s something. Woman, I’m going to scorch your ass. Get out of the damn window.”
“I’m watching to see if they come back.”
Garrett grumbled and left the camera view. A muffled smack followed by Callie’s surprised yell could be heard in the background. No one commented.
“Now, what do we do?” asked Finley.
“Now, we wait for the cops, then we figure this all out,” said Jac.
Sharlee’s phone rang again, and she listened, then held the line as she relayed the information. “Ryker said someone just shot at his car. He’s pretty pissed about it, too. Said he didn’t often have to deal with your messes, but since he hasn’t pissed anyone off recently, it must be you.”
“Right. Make sure he calls the police and lies low tonight. We’ll have to rely on LPD because there are too many variables to send our guys out for support. I hope Oakley can handle the safe room confinement for a few hours.”
“She’s not alone, so she should be okay,” said Sharlee. “She can call Jocelyn if things get tough. Being a psychiatrist doesn’t always work when it’s you who needs the coaching.”
Cash spoke up again. “Intruders ran when they heard the sirens. The front gate security has been doing sweeps with the floodlights, and I don’t believe that anyone got over the fence. They weren’t engaged at the gatehouse, so do you figure it was all targeted scare tactics?”
“Sure looks like it,” said Jac. “Those damn notes.”
Finley joined Spring and Florent and played with Storm. It was apparent that the events shook up Spring. Finley gave Florent thetake care of herlook, and he nodded.
“Spring, why don’t we look in the storage cabinet to see if there is anything to munch on since our dinner is not going to happen tonight?”
“Um, okay.”
Finley didn’t know why, but her gut was cramped with the suspicion that something terrible had begun. She sought to make eye contact with her employers, who had grown to be her staunch friends, and saw they felt it too. It had been two hours, and no further threat occurred. The police were gone, and Finley glanced at Cash.
“So, can we leave the room now?” she asked when Jac opened the door.
Jac shook his head. “The security team is going to make one last sweep. Cash, you and I can do a sweep of the house and make sure it’s secure before anyone leaves this room. Charlotte will do one final sweep with the cameras.”
“Jac, the cops have come and gone. Nothing is going to happen. It’s quiet on all fronts,” said Finley. Yes, she knew she sounded petulant, but she was done hiding.
Sharlee called to her husband, pulling him away before he could answer Finley. “Jac, before you go. Here is what I came up with on the partial plates.”
Cash leaned down and spoke into Finley’s ear while the others were distracted. “Do not go anywhere until you are given the go-ahead. This is not worth risking your life or anyone else’s. Don’t challenge me on this.”
She belligerently looked up into Cash’s serious face. His “or else” stare was loud and clear. His nose flared like a bull, and his right eyebrow was raised high. He meant business. She’d never felt that belly flop, followed by a tingle between the thighs sostrongly with Cash before. How could he be turning her on right now? But there was no denying her body’s reaction.
“Finley. Understand me?”
“You aren’t bossing me around, Cash Rogers,” she whispered fiercely.
“You will listen to me when I am trying to keep you safe. Say yes, Cash, or you will be finding yourself over my knee later while we go over this again.”
She huffed out her irritation. “Yes, Cash.”
“Good girl. It won’t be long before you are pulling out that vibrator and relieving your stress.” He smiled and stepped away before she could respond to him.
Her words were whispered but her inner voice was yelling at him that he wasn’t the boss of her. The second voice taunted her that she wanted him to be, didn’t she? She followed the rules, and it seemed the rules had changed right under her nose. Well, hell. It looked like life was going to be changing a lot in the near future, and she wasn’t sure she could weather the change of direction.
Chapter 2
Levi Morrison, the youngest and most recent addition to the Alpha Team, was usually the man in the background. He rarely called attention to himself, and except for taking his Marine mate Finley out, he didn’t seem to have a very intense lifestyle outside of his job, and that was the way he liked it. He was fiercely protective and would take the riskier jobs without hesitation. The rest of the team agreed that the man “had skills.” He also had a thing for Finley Royer.
Cash was with her right now, so her safety wasn’t in question, and that left him to try to figure out what the hell was going on with the drive-by shootings. The police said they thought it was random, but Levi knew better. Every member of the Alpha team, including Ryker and Jac’s house, was targeted. Now, they needed to find out why and put an end to it.
Jac seemed to think that it was tied to those damn notes after the trouble the women had gone through. And maybe he was right, but why? Who would know such intimate details like that? Why now, when there was only business as usual to concentrate on? He walked away from the video feed connecting him to his Sharlee and the team to clear his head.