Page 61 of Saving Finley
The doctor nodded as he led the men away from Finley. “If we can get her stable and into surgery within the next fifteen-twenty minutes, they good. Very good. The longer we take afterthat, the harder it will be to keep her stable throughout the surgery, lowering her success rate.”
“Let’s get our part done so we’re ready for when she gets out of surgery.”
“Yes, lets.” Levi and Cash were handed off to a nurse, and the doctor returned to his patients.
Soon, both men returned to the group, waiting for word about what was happening with Finley. In that time, all the women had arrived and the Colonel with a distraught Darcy. She was sitting in his lap when the two men re-entered the waiting room. Cash filled them in while Levi talked to the nurse.
“All good. They had blood on hand if she needed it, but looks like Finley has come through without issue. We can’t see her until she comes out of recovery and they will decide if she needs intensive care or the medical/surgical unit.”
“Did you see her at all?” asked Darcy, her trembling voice told of her fear for Finley. And possible reaction to the afternoon’s events.
Cash had not spent much time with or thinking about Darcy except deciding if she was someone safe for his girl or the rest of them. Today, however, he could see how frightened she was of Caleb and of the men he had with him. He hoped she was able to recover from this whole experience with Rodney’s group of drug running terrorist.
Cash smiled at the woman. “I did. She was not conscious, but I learned it was because they were prepping her for surgery. I gave them a blood sample, and it didn’t seem as though they needed more than the bit I gave them in the beginning. Levi could have given blood, but I was a closer match. We have the same wonky blood type.”
Levi joined them. “She is doing fine in recovery. I was told she lost a lot of blood but was lucky in that they didn’t find any vital organs were damaged. We won’t know until they come togive us the official report, but the nurse checked, and she seems to be holding her own.”
Callie spoke up. “It looks like that report is coming toward us.”
Everyone looked in the direction of the door expectantly. The surgeon walked directly to Levi.
“Mr. Morrison?”
“Yes. How is she?”
“She came through the surgery without any surprises or mishaps. She’s stable and in the recovery room. The bullet missed her major arteries and nicked her liver, which just insulted the liver but caused no real damage. The biggest threat was her loss of blood that happened because it did nick a smaller vein at the entry point. But all sewn up tight and ready to begin the healing process.”
“I was told I’ll be able to see her?” asked Levi. He indicated Cash, “And her relative.”
“Yes, but as supportive as your friends are, they will have to wait until tomorrow for a visit. Finley isn’t likely to be awake much, if at all, tonight. You’ll be able to stay the night if she is in med/surg, but not if she is in ICU. Only one of you can stay the night. I don’t think we will need intensive care, but she isn’t out of recovery yet. I’ll have someone come and get you when she is brought to the floor.”
The room seemed to release its tension as they watched the surgeon leave the room. The police had shown up and after getting some information from Jac, Monroe and Carter, they had spoken to Darcy and Ben, but the rest of the women were not identified as being present, nor the rest of the team. They explained Levi away by saying he had come to pick up Finley and had walked into the mess just as the villains were subdued and the gun had gone off, hitting Finley.
Levi said all he knew was Finley was shot, and the guys had the shooter but had to turn him and his goons over to the police. Jac said the Feds were informed and picking them up tomorrow. Garrett said he wasn’t sure the cops believed them, but the Feds claimed jurisdiction so fast, it didn’t matter if the cops believed them or not; it wasn’t their case any longer.
Once the nurse came for Cash and Levi, the rest of the group went home with promises to return as soon as they called them.
“And you will call,” said Jac.
“We will,” agreed Levi before following the nurse.
Chapter 19
Finley’s eyes fluttered open and then immediately shut again. God, she felt like she was hit by a semi. Her head and body ached. Her chest didn’t hurt exactly but it felt wrong. Moving was laborious, and she chose not to do that. Parched. Her throat was like a desert and she wanted to cough, but she couldn’t. Something told her that might be a good thing.
“Hey baby. Try to open your eyes.”
Cash was here. She wanted to smile, but her face didn’t follow her instructions. Neither did her eyes. She tried to make her fuzzy brain work. What was all this about? Why did it hurt to open her eyes? Did she have the flu? Then what had happened was suddenly playing in her mind in full living color, even up to the gunshot and her pain.
“Levi safe?”
“I’m here, honey,” said Levi.
She tried to move, but it didn’t work. She couldn’t really and she wondered how badly she had been shot. She opened her mouth, but nothing would come out except the sound of dissatisfaction.
“You’re okay, baby. You’ good, Fin,” said Cash.
“Open your eyes for me, hon,” said Levi.