Page 64 of Saving Finley
She fidgeted in her seat, wiping her hands on her sweats. “Someday that might be nice, but if that’s your proposal, Levi Morrison, you can forget it. I will expect a proper proposal and a proper evening planned around it. With Cash. Got me?”
“Loud and clear, and it wasn’t a proposal. Even I know that is special.”
“Oh, well, good.”
“You’ve got to start giving me more credit, woman,” said Levi.
Her voice went soft and gentle. “I do give you lots of credit. Both of you. I have always just sucked things up and carried on, no matter how hurt I was inside or out. It was just expected that I would weather any storm, but with you, I don’t do it because it’s expected. I do it because you are both there with me to weather it with me. It’s incredibly empowering to know I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do alone. You two have given me that, and I’ll never take it for granted.”
Levi’s voice softened as well. “I hope I always earn that trust and deserve your faith in me. When I saw your face when you were shot, I nearly died inside. I just knew this was fatal and yet, I prayed and begged God to keep you with me. We didn’t really know for sure if you were hurt badly or it just look so horrible. There was so much blood. You were white as a ghost.”
“I’m sorry I scared you. I don’t remember any of that.”
“No, you weren’t conscious.”
“And I will never accept an assignment where you have any chance of being in danger. Not knowing anything, but you were shot and rushed to the hospital nearly ended me. Don’t do it again,” said Cash.
She chuckled. “No, I won’t. And I can’t believe all our friends kept coming. I know Jac and Sharlee considered all of you family and they have included me, but I’ve never had to put them tothe test. They are every bit as sincere with me as they were with everyone else. It means more to me than you will ever know.”.
“This group is pretty impressive, that’s for sure. We’re here. Now, when Cash parks, you will let me open your door and help you out. Understood?”
“Always so bossy.”
“Yes, fine. I’m a little tender, anyway.”
Levi chuckled. “Whatever you have to tell yourself, baby.”
Chapter 20
He listened for a moment and Levi watched his boss and friend as Jac’s face drew tight. Jac looked over at Levi and his expression almost turned apologetic. What was going on? Garrett stood in the doorway with a grim countenance. The rest of the room settled in their seats. Shit, it had to be pretty bad.
“The Feds have done it again,” said Jac at the team assembled in the conference room across from his agency office. The occupants of the room sat and waited for Jac to fill in the blanks.
“They had some information and wanted more, so they called me.”
“About what exactly?” asked Cash.
He and Levi had been sitting in Jac’s office going over the plans to resume work after Finley’s two-week post-surgery check-up this afternoon when Jac had gotten the call. He had Becky call in the team and Cash went to place a call to Finley. He figured he should check on her now because it was likely going to be a long meeting.
Finley had healed well, and as the doctor had predicted, once the bruised tissue was healed, she would feel like a new woman. But they still hadn’t made anyone’s version of passionate love to her because of the risk of undoing what had healed. Thus far, Levi’s dick had been complaining and Cash was taking a lot more showers than he used to.
The stitches had disappeared as expected, and her energy was returning. She was still hesitant to go out of the house, but she agreed to start back with Jocelyn and try to overcome that fear. However long it took, Levi would wait because his girl’s safety and confidence were important. She meant everything to him, and his patience was endless when it came to her. Something told him that was an indication of not only love but being in love with her, and that gave him a warm, satisfied feeling.
Jac walked across the hall to the conference room after he’d hung up and Levi watched Garrett and Jac share a non-verbal message.
“Okay, now I’m worried. What’s going on?” asked Cash.
“Hold on until everyone arrives, so I only have to share once.” Thirty minutes later, everyone, including the Colonel and Darcy, arrived, confused. Now they all stared at Jac.
Jac drew in a deep, soulful breath. “It’s Caleb Rodney. The Feds let him go.”
Levi laughed. “They did no fucking thing. What’s really going on?”
“I’m so sorry, but they did. They had him tracked and expected to follow him to his hideout, or source, or something that would give them more information than they’d gotten out of him. The son of a bitch slipped away from everyone. His two trackers, the electronic tracker on his clothes, and the long-range monitor.”