Page 75 of Saving Finley
Finley laughed. “Are you kidding? That girl needs something positive right now. We all do. We need to find our normal again. I’m sure Ivy and Kaden have already started decorating but feel free to send a message to everyone, including the Colonel and Darcy, to see if they are all ready to party.”
Sure enough, when they arrived at the house, Ivy and Kaden had transformed it into a cheery baby oasis. Mallory took one look and burst into tears.
Ivy rushed to hug her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Mallory said, laughed through her tears. “Pregnancy hormones and reaction to the past month.” She hugged Ivy. “Everything is perfect. Thank you so much.”
Jessie appeared, holding baby Anora. “Who’s ready to celebrate?”
The women gathered around, fussing over the baby and playing with Storm. The men cracked beers, smiles on their faces. They were soldiers, but also friends. Family. Times like this is what made things worth it all.
Finley let the joyful energy wash over her. They had faced danger and prevailed. Now came healing.
She slipped her hand into Levi’s, meeting his eyes. In them she saw the same mix of relief, gratitude, and promise of days yet to come. Together. What she had never expected to happen, finding friends closer than family, not one but two men to love and who showed her love, and a career in which she was appreciated and valued. Things were better than good.
Levi gave her hand a squeeze. “I know that look. What’s on your mind?”
Finley hesitated. “I was just thinking...we’ve been through so much together. All of us, but I’m finally happy. Truly happy.”
She glanced around at their friends, laughing and mingling, bonds forged on fire. She searched for Cash.
“We’re more than a team, we’re a family. We have all fought for our beliefs and ourselves. I think that binds us tightly. I stood on the sidelines watching, but being a part of the action this time, it changed things around me, my relationships, and inside me. And with you.”
Cash nodded. His expression was serious as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder carefully. “You’re right. Things have changed. We’ve changed. For the good.”
He gestured to where Ivy and Kaden stood with their arms wrapped around each other, foreheads touching. Becky andCarter were in the kitchen, mixing a virgin cocktail and brushing lips when they thought no one was looking.
“We’ve always had each other’s backs,” Levi said. “But now it goes deeper. I can’t imagine my life without any of them in it. Without you in it.”
Finley’s throat tightened with emotion. She and Levi had been acquaintances, friends, and finally lovers. She and Cash had been friends, then lovers. But this felt like something more.
“Marry me,” she blurted out in front of the two men that meant more to her than she could have ever imagined. Her question sent shock rippling through her even as she said it. The room went silent.
Where had that come from? She’d never wanted to get married, but Cash had always held that option wide open. When Levi had indicated in his not real proposal that he was thinking they were going down that road, it was scary. But now, she could really get on board, and she didn’t need flowers and dinners and big splashes of showmanship to accompany a proposal. She hoped Cash and Levi didn’t either.
Levi’s eyes widened. For a long moment, he just looked at her. She started to backpedal. “I know guys like to do the asking, so just...” Then a smile spread across his face.
“Nothing would make me happier,” said Levi.
Cash laughed and said, “Absolutely perfect.”
He pulled her close and kissed her deeply as their friends whooped and cheered.
“But that was naughty, and I intend on spanking that ass for it. I could get into spanking that gorgeous backside every night.” He quickly passed her over to Levi, who sealed the answer with his lips as well. Finley had never felt so full of hope, love, and possibility.
Jac broke in with Storm in his arms. “I’m going to need to have a conversation about how we make this work. My nanny was single. Not sure how a married nanny will meet the need.”
Finley smiled at her boss. “We’ll work it out.”
“Damn right we will,” said Jac. His lips twitched in a repressed smile.
The team gathered at Kaden and Ivy’s sprawling farmhouse, a place that had become like a second home. Laughter and happy chatter filled the air as they set up for the celebration. Mallory sat beaming on the sofa, one hand resting on her swollen belly as friends fussed over her.
“I can’t believe our little one will be here so soon!” she said to Ivy, who smiled and squeezed her hand.
“I know! We’re all so excited to meet the newest member of our family.”
Florent and Spring emerged from the kitchen, bearing trays of food - barbecue ribs, cornbread, coleslaw. The mouthwatering smells made everyone’s stomach rumble.