Page 14 of Saving Oakley
“Nope, and I’m not easily drawn into dramatics. But, at the risk of starting them, I’m saying you need to exercise more. We’ll work on that once we’re back home.”
“I’m too busy,” she said dismissively, startled that she laced her words with a pouty flavor.
He lifted his brow but didn’t comment on her change of tone. “Oakley, you have to take better care of yourself. Beginning with eating well and finding an exercise routine you enjoy.”
“But I exercise. I just can’t imagine enjoying it,” she said defiantly. “And I eat.”
“When you remember. Sweetness, I haven’t seen you step into that gym once since you’ve been here. And I see how you lean toward junk because it’s what you’re used to. Quick and easy.”
“You haven’t been with me the whole time. Besides, I haven’t seen you work out, either.”
“True. Likely because I’m in there a little after six every morning. So when did you use the machines?” asked Ryker as he scooped up the last of her scrambled eggs.
“I went inside the next morning after I got here.”
Ryker noticed she wasn’t meeting his gaze. He put down the fork and caged her chin with his hand. “And?”
“And it was busy. I went for a walk instead.”
“Okay. So when did you use the equipment?” Oakley tried to tug her chin away, but he wasn’t allowing her to go anywhere. “Eyes up here, Oakley.”
“Okay, fine. I haven’t, but I have walked all over this hotel, and I’m on vacation. I shouldn’t have to sweat if I don’t want to.”
He chuckled. She was a little bit defiant. He loved that about her personality, but sometimes it worked against what was best for her. He’d planned on being around to help with that. “Agreed. How about at home?”
“Oh, I have my universal and treadmill.”
“Nice. Used how often?”
“Evidently, not enough. I’m not a muscle monster. I’m not interested in competing in an Iron Woman competition.”
He lifted his eyebrow at her and shook his head. “You tend to be a brat when not happy about being under scrutiny. I believe that is avoidant behavior. Am I right?” She avoided his eyes only giving his observation credence.. Ryker leaned over and kissed her. “Baby, you are gorgeous. Show-stopping, but something must be done about your unhealthy habit of disregarding your physical needs. Maybe swimming or tennis will add in some enjoyment and exercise.”
“You’re like a dog with a bone.”
“I learned it from my best friend. He gets things done. Now, quit diverting the focus of the conversation.”
She leaned back in her seat and sighed. “You’re probably right. I love riding horses, but I haven’t had any chance to do that in a long time.”
“I know where some incredible horses are stabled. We’ll figure things out. So, when we return to Lexington, we have some catching up to do at our practices, and then I want to see you. So, how about Wednesday night dinner and Friday night sleepover?”
She laughed. “A little old for that, aren’t you?”
“Oh, no. My sleepovers are strictly adult rated and only with you. The games played at my sleepovers are rather naughty.” He wiggled his brows suggestively. She laughed again. “Now I need to head out, and I know you do too. We’ll meet tomorrow night for an early dinner, say five-thirty or six, at the All-American Café, so I can make sure you made it home in one piece. Sleep in tomorrow. It will make falling back into your routine easier if you are well rested.”
“I like that café because it has North, South and Central American food. It’s the only place I know that serves fried sweet plantain. Yum.” She smiled and checked her phone. “Yikes, we need to get out of here. I’m stopping at my parents’ house tonight, so I won’t be back to my place until early afternoon tomorrow, but I’ll sleep in.”
“Text me when you stop and then again when you leave and finally arrive home. I’ll call if I don’t hear from you, and if I have to do that, there will be consequences.”
“Incentive. But was it to remind me to call or not to call?”
“Minx. I’m serious about this. I will track down your parents’ number and call them if you don’t call me. Then your ass will definitely be sorry. And no speeding. I’m not high on patience regarding the safety of what’s mine. And you, my dear, are mine.”
Ryker had firmed his tone to bully his immediate hesitancy over too much too soon. However, he knew what he felt. He also was beginning to realize that Dr. Oakley Addison was not one to curtail her experiences merely because of the danger factor. Not that she walked into danger head-on, but she definitely courted it with her choices, and that was something that drove Ryker crazy. How was he to keep this woman safe if she didn’t heed the awareness she possessed? She simply disregarded it as not enough of a concern. For a psychiatrist, it was unexpected.
Oakley’s parents lived south of Bowling Green. She lived in Versailles near Lexington, and Ryker lived between Georgetown and Lexington. It was a twenty-to-thirty-minute drive between them, but not bad. Meeting in the middle, like at All American Café, helped lessen the trip.
Oakley gave him one of her discerning psychiatrist’s looks. “There is a lot to unpack in that, but I won’t test the waters yet. I’ll text when I arrive, but remember that Friday afternoon traffic might be heavier than either of us expect.”