Page 40 of Saving Oakley
A sob welled up in Oakley’s chest as the full impact of her trauma hit her. Ryker wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she wept against his chest. She clung to him, drawing strength from his solid presence. However long it took, he would help her recover from this. She wasn’t alone anymore.
Oakley tried to corral her thoughts, and while he hated how arduous the task was for her, he and the team were desperate for any clue, any word or memory that would give them what they needed, but there weren’t many.
“I’m sorry. I feel I have so much important stuff to share, but it’s out of reach.”
“Don’t try too hard, baby, because it can hinder your recovery. When it’s time, it will come out.”
“What if it doesn’t?” she whispered.
“You’ll remember what is safe to remember. The rest is unnecessary.” Ryker pulled her into his arms for a solid, soul-healing hug. Then he backed up and firmed his voice. “You have a little broth here, and trust me when I say you won’t be going home if you can’t eat the broth.”
Ryker made sure Oakley saw the twinkle in his eye, and when she sighed dramatically, he barely hid his smile. “I guess I’ll have to try.”
“That’s my good girl.”
Three days later, Oakley received her walking papers, and the nightmare, part one, was over.
Ryker helped Oakley into the passenger seat of his SUV, concern etching lines into his forehead. Though she insisted she was fine physically, the haunted look in her eyes told a different story. He knew the mental trauma of her kidnapping would take time to heal.
Oakley turned to him with a wistful smile. “How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?”
Warmth flooded Ryker’s chest, along with a surge of determination. He would do whatever it took to banish the shadows from Oakley’s eyes and keep that radiant smile on her face. “I’m the lucky one. You’re the light that brightens my world.”
Her smile widened into a grin. “Even after all we’ve been through, you still have a way with words, Counselor.”
“It’s a gift.” Ryker’s lips quirked up at the corners. “But seriously, we’re in this together. We’ll get through this, just like we get through everything else—with love and faith in each other.”
Oakley sighed contentedly and rested her head on his shoulder. “As long as we have that, nothing else matters.”
The car ride was more taxing than she had imagined. Ryker tried to anticipate her needs and met them immediately. He helped her with her seatbelt.
“Sweetling, just let me do this. You are so exhausted, and the doctor said not only is it expected, but it will also take some time to build up your strength. We have to wait for the medication to finish metabolizing and then wash out. Who knows how long it will take?”
“I know. But knowing the truth and being patient for it to exit my system are two very different things. I’m so angry, and yet, I understand how scared you get when you only hear one side of an issue. It’s all you know, so all you believe.”
“Baby girl, I don’t want you to get upset again over this. Not now. There will be a time you will be ready to tackle whatever the fallout surrounding these things is, but for now, you rest.”
“I like it when you call me baby girl.”
Ryker kissed her temple and then her lips gently. When they walked along the complex path to the elevator, she leaned into him, and it boosted his ego.
“Then I guess that’s my permission. Many women hate that endearment, and I hesitated. I won’t anymore.” He observed the condo complex they were entering. “I wonder if we should go into a safe house until this is cleared from your system and we can reassess the danger?”
“Can we talk about it? I’m not sure that will be the best route for me.”
Once they were in the condo and Oakley was settled on the sofa with a blanket and a cup of Lady Grey tea in one hand, he drew her close to cuddle on the other side. “Talk to me. What’s going on in that brilliant mind of yours?”
Oakley was silent for a long moment, “I can’t stop thinking about Audra’s followers. The fanaticism in their eyes, the utter conviction that they were doing the right thing. It terrifies me that there are people so opposed to reason and science.”
“Unfortunately, there will always be extremists in the world. But for every one of Audra’s followers, there are a hundred reasonable people who support our cause.” Ryker gave her hand a comforting squeeze. “We can’t control the radicals. We can only continue to spread our message of hope and healing. With knowledge and understanding, we can overcome ignorance and fear.”
Ryker sat her teacup on the side table to make way for his arms to come around her, holding her close.
Ryker felt the tension ease from Oakley’s body as a sense of peace settled over them. The future was unclear, but their bond was strong.
A thrill went through Oakley at the implied threat in Ryker’s words. She knew how formidable he and his team could be, and she took a savage satisfaction in the thought of Audra and her followers getting what they deserved.
Ryker’s arms tightened around her, and she gave herself to the peace and comfort of his embrace. The threat of Audra and her followers seemed distant now, held at bay by the strength of Ryker’s love. She knew how to change her thinking and could do it as long as they were together, Oakley knew she had nothing to fear and yet, there was still it remained in the back of her mind.