Page 42 of Saving Oakley
“I will never be confused with someone who is kind except around you. I have a reputation for being hard-nosed. Ruthless, even.”
She patted his hand. “Your secret is safe with me.”
He kissed her lips, deepening it as she drew him closer. Before she was completely satisfied, he pulled back. “Time for a nap, baby. You need your rest. Everything you feel you’ve lost will come back. Promise.”
With kisses like that, she could believe he was right. She allowed him to settle her on the sofa for a quick nap while Ryker worked. It turned into three hours. She didn’t wake up once. That was progress.
That night, Oakley cuddled in with Ryker in his bed, hoping sleep would come. No medications until her system had nothing left. That might be a little while, so she settled in for some perpetual nights, but so long as she had Ryker near her, she would get through.
Finally, Oakley gave up the pretense of falling asleep. It just wasn’t happening. Ryker was reading, but she couldn’t concentrate enough to read. Looking at the profile of this amazing man, she readily admitted he was more than she had ever dreamed of having, and she wasn’t going to give him up without a fight. He was her knight, her voice of reason, and her patient lover. She understood that men released tension easily, but most women were more emotional. Unfortunately, her emotional stability was all over the place. She felt the tingles of love deeply and a little arousal, but not the desire to consummate.
Hopefully, it wouldn’t take long for her sense of safety to be restored enough to fall into sexual abandon with Ryker. Their sexy times were what romance novels wrote about, but now?
“How could Audra do this?” Oakley whispered. “She was once a compassionate woman who cared for her brother when he needed her most. Oh, maybe that was it. He had been doing so well that he wouldn’t need her to care for him any longer. Her usefulness would be a thing of the past where her brother was concerned. Her fears turned to anger and resentment. Now she’s turned into this... this monster.”
“Her beliefs have become an obsession,” Ryker said grimly. “She’s so convinced that she’s right, she can’t see the harm she’s causing. She needs help, but she’ll never accept it.”
“If she’d just agree to proper treatment, medication along with therapy could help her. But she’s too far gone to see reason. Honestly, just treatment that included therapy might work.” Oakley sighed, staring into the depths of his eyes. “I don’t know if there’s any way to reach people so committed to their delusions. My experience says to treat it differently, but she is dangerous, and those who follow her.”
“We have to try whenever we are given the opportunity. Obstacles are just something to find a way around.” Ryker swept a swath of hair off her face. “Educating people about mental health and the benefits of medication is the only way to counter these anti-science movements. We can’t force treatment on those who refuse it, nor should we, but we can spread the truth. Hopefully, that will dispel the lies groups like this one are spreading. It’s frightening to those who have no real understanding of the issue.”
A yawn signaled a chance to snatch a few hours before a nightmare woke her. She snuggled into Ryker after he turned off the light and slid down under the cover. Soon she would go back to the doctor for more tests. Hopefully, things would get better soon.
Chapter 12
Oakley woke with astart, her heart pounding. For a moment, she didn’t recognize her surroundings. Bella was immediately on her mind. Audra was the second thought. Then she felt the warmth of Ryker’s body curled around hers and remembered—she was in his bed, safe in his embrace.
She took a deep, steadying breath, trying to calm her frayed nerves. But the memory of rough hands dragging her into the van and a needle piercing her skin kept replaying in her mind. She shuddered, a lump forming in her throat.
Ryker stirred behind her. “Nightmare?” His voice was rough with sleep.
Oakley nodded. “The same one.”
He pulled her closer, his arms tightening around her in a comforting hug. “I’m here. You’re safe.”
She took another deep breath, absorbing his warmth and strength. But while she knew Ryker would protect her with his life, she couldn’t escape the lingering fear and helplessness that had taken root inside her. And that fear was being fueled by a single text that had popped up on her phone two days ago.