Page 115 of If You Say So
Really it was just a tent around two lounge chairs. The sides opened up or closed depending on
how you wanted them.
“I would guess he’ll be here in about twenty-five minutes or so,” I answered.
Since I had gotten plenty of odd comments here and there from beachgoers, I’d closed the tent
sides up until all you could see was out the front through a small gap.
A small gap that Frankie was now closing.
“What are you…”
The illumination from the crack that she’d left was enough to see her walking toward me, a sway
in her step.
I went from curious to what she was doing to hard and ready to go on the ride she was leading in
about two seconds flat.
“You came out of the water earlier,” she murmured. “And those wet shorts were all bunched up
around your cock.” She licked her lips as she slowly slid her hand over her wet chest. “And all I
could think about was coming over here and pushing your trunks down and doing exactly this.”
She sat on me, her body feeling like a cool brand against my skin.
Chapter 14
Adios bitchachos.
-Text from Frankie to her dad
I wasn’t sure what came over me.
One second I was showing Luca my spoils of war, watching him get excited over a stupid earring
that looked to be older than dirt and nothing very special.
I saw his face, watched it light up each time I came up with a piece of metal, a crab or hell, even a rock.
And every single time I came out of the water, his eyes were on me.
Never once did he take his eyes off me.
Each time I watched him smile, I started feeling more and more and more.
Then his eyes started to wander.
They started just roving over my face.
Then he started to get even more daring, his eyes going from my neck, then farther to my breasts.
At first, I was just thinking about how sweet it was that he was staring at me with such intensity.