Page 129 of If You Say So
Balancing in them while trying to stay steady and drink a beer was hard work.
“Dr. Cromwell and his brother!” Jessica cried. “Can you believe that?”
No, no I could not. Especially since I’d heard they were leaving the country. Not going to Florida.
“We couldn’t either,” Jessica admitted. “He hung out with us. Even bought his brother a beer to
drink. It was odd drinking and partying with a seventeen-year-old, but Cromwell seemed fine with
“I’ll never understand why he let that kid get away with grabbing that poor waitress’s ass,
though,” Jessica continued as if I’d replied when I hadn’t. “Dr. Cromwell got all pissy with the kid.
Told him to go home. Then he said something that was really weird.”
My brows rose at that.
I didn’t bother replying, though.
It’d be a waste of breath.
“He told the brother to go home and stop acting like his mother,” Ashley said, yawning. “We’re
going to sleep it off in the car. Bye.”
I would’ve wondered at their abrupt departure had I not felt Luca’s warm palm slide across my
“Let’s get in the truck, too,” he suggested.
I got into the front seat the moment he unlocked the truck.
He ignored his door and went to the back door.
“What are you doing?” I asked, feeling a slight buzz in my head.
He gestured to the back seat with his hand.
“I’m going to get back here where it’s more comfortable,” he answered. “Gonna be here a while.
Want to be where I can kick my feet up.”
I liked the way he thought.
Since I was already in the front seat, though, I didn’t bother to get out to get to him. Instead, I climbed over the middle console and practically threw myself into his arms.
“We could’ve called an Uber,” I said as I snuggled into his embrace.
He made a grunting sound that was suspiciously close to a laugh.
“And leave my vehicle here overnight?” he asked. “This is a robber’s paradise. All high-end
vehicles. Expensive things left in cars because they’re vacationers. Out of town so once they leave they’re not going to really want to come back to deal with someone that robbed them…”
He started to say more, but my mind was caught on the way his abs were tightening and loosening